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Momentum-Hybrid-Builder Challenge game #2

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  • I'm present, I've got time on my hands....::grumbling under my breath:: I'm not DEAD, but they won't let me DO anything....::sigh::

    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • Count me in. Larger map and more ocean sounds good. I'd like to take the PKs again.
      Team 'Poly


      • If there's still some space up, I would like to try and participate in a new game. Our old one hopelessly failed and I couldn't manage to restart it. Oh well.

        I'd prefer something builder-ish (Zak or Lal), but seeing that these spots are already taken, I would also take hybrid (Drones, CyC, Gaians or Datajacks, in that order). And, yes, I am very peaceful! No, really!


        • I'm suprised that the momentum players are doing so well. I don't know how bad the builders are doing, but I have two spartan rovers over here already. They are about to do some damage. These circumstance are definitely in the benefit of the Momentum players. On a planet like this conquering early is very lucrative. All this being said I'm not interested in setting up a map that would give more of an advantage to the builders because I'm pretty sure the momentum players will loose that one. In fact even the "Hybrid" players would be playing more of a builder game.

          Really, I think the idea of such an idea was very creative, but does not prove anything because we can't simulate real circumstance. I rarely play with so many humans. I mostly play one on one.


          • I'm suprised that the momentum players are doing so well. I don't know how bad the builders are doing, but I have two spartan rovers over here already. They are about to do some damage. These circumstance are definitely in the benefit of the Momentum players. On a planet like this conquering early is very lucrative. All this being said I'm not interested in setting up a map that would give more of an advantage to the builders because I'm pretty sure the momentum players will loose that one. In fact even the "Hybrid" players would be playing more of a builder game.

            Really, I think the idea was very creative, but does not prove anything because we can't simulate real circumstance. I rarely play with so many humans. I mostly play one on one.


            • *toothy grin*

              Sure, I don't mind setting up another game, but I want to play this one to completion.

              I personally believe that Momentums only work as a strategy if they can gain 2-3 Submissives. Since we have only one AI, that means the Submissives must be spawned from players. And we all know that it's no fun to play a Submissive.

              How about the Map of Planet next time? We know that we'd get fair starting spots.
              [This message has been edited by kaz (edited June 22, 2000).]


              • Well, I don't think I could have done anything more swiftly than I've done in this game, from the Builder's the first thirteen turns of play, I managed to get both bases up and running,crank out a pair of formers, get a probe team in the field, and prototype Synthmetal....not bad for the peace-mongers....

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • I agree with kaz. I don't think the momentum necessarily won this one, however if Vel and I were AIs we might end up as subs and then the momentum might have won. As it is the momentum players might damage or conquer Vel and I but Misuto and Tig are still in it.


                  • Who is in favor of playing another game, large map, same turn order (to speed game play). Same or different factions? I'm not sure we need more than 50-70% ocean on a large map. Opinions?


                    • Quite frankly, I think this game is going to go pretty much the way I thought it was going to.. the momentum players HAVE to take someone out to win, they really need at least one builder and one hybrid. Maybe if they're lucky they'll get Adam and Vel...but my position is quite strong. I have several nice military units (go gaians, go). I do not think the momentum's have much of a chance of taking me down in this position and as we all know the longer it goes the better it is for the builders/hybrids.

                      As for the second game, I'm obviously game, I'll play whatever is left over. I have both builders filled. Joer is willing to join and Adam doesn't have much desire to play it seems.. so there should be an open hybrid spot. Turn has been sent...Tig


                      • Turn to Vel.

                        Splat, as yet another Frog goes under the Spartan tires.


                        • turn sent to Adam.

                          My position is probably not as strong as Tig's, but with the garrisons I've got, I feel pretty secure in my bases.

                          Kaz....I take it then, that you're not overly inclined to trade or buy techs....::sigh:: Okie Dokie....incoming headed your way soon....

                          (looking to avenge the deaths of the stalwart Former crew)
                          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                          • It was getting a bit scary there, but Spartans did not attack our HQ (which would have destroyed it) and now we look to participate in victory for the Hybrid team once again.



                            • 2116 sent to the Believers ...
                              Team 'Poly


                              • Turn has been sent on to that true evil of the universe..the Spartans.

