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Tau Ceti ? for you about another RP game.

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  • Tau Ceti ? for you about another RP game.

    Is there a signup for another RP game? Or is ther any plans in the works for having another RP game? If there is you can count me in.... I would like the Drones but it does'nt really matter.


  • #2

    Before I got involved as a sub in some six games or so, I made a list of those who had expressed interest in another:

    From Apolyton:

    Yourself, and
    Googlie (me)

    From ACOL:

    big-canuk, and

    To set up a game, either beg, blackmail or threaten to blackball a CMN such as Tau Ceti,


    get one going yourself by e-mailing others looking for a game, agreeing the parameters, factions, etc, then starting one.

    Good luck either way,



    • #3
      But the question was about an RP game, not just any PBEM, wasn't it?

      14thCorps, I am not really responsible for the RP games; Basil was the one who came up with the idea (on this site, anyway) and who made the rules, assigned players etc. I only helped out on RP1 because Basil plays in it himself.

      Thus, I have no plans to set up any more RP games at the moment. I suggest you talk to Basil about it; he might know if there are others who are interested too.


      • #4
        Yes it was about a RP game not PBEM in general. I like to get in to the character of the faction I play, I suppose there is not law against doing it in normal pbem as well, just might not have anyone to RP with.


        • #5
          I would be willing to set up and play in a role play game, on one condition: There be no restrictions on SE settings, except that you have to come up with a reasonable explanation. You may not switch SE without posting a story or fake newspaper report or diatribe explaining how your society will be running.

          Also, I only do SMAC as multiplayer. I enjoy SMAX, but it goes too slowly for MP. Sticking to SMAC gives the best opportunities for RP because the characters are better developed in most people's minds.
          Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


          • #6
            I'm up for another RP game.

            Only problem is timing - I'll be on vac from Sept 1 till Oct 12, and nowhere near a pc (Scottish and Irish golf courses) let alone one with smac/smacx loaded

            Ah well, I'll have to volunteer again on my return



            • #7
              Count me in for an RP game! I, also, only do Smac, but for other reasons (no SmaX.)

              I'd agree with no SE restrictions other than plausible fiction, some of the factions would be in severe trouble otherwise - the Gaians without Planned economics? The Spartans forever using Power? No thanks.

              How necessary is a CMN for this type of game? I'm willing to accept starting positions as they come, I don't know if we might need arbitration of whether someone is 'in character' or not. It seems unlikely, but..

              Feel free to give me a bell if Smac is on the menu,

              Googlie, have fun, and maybe someone will drop out (though I can think of one Irish golf-course that's none too far from a certain Smac-loaded computer, heh.)
              "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
              - Samuel Palmer


              • #8

                Do tell. (Drop me an e-mail with the addy, and I'll see if I can 'get my fix" when over there.



                • #9
                  Well, the reason why we needed a moderator for RP1 was that I'd tweaked the alphax.txt file a lot. That meant that we needed to play from a scenario file, which meant that someone who wasn't playing had to create the scenario file.

                  I'd be willing to try moderating another RP game, if people want. But if you're just playing straight SMAC, I can only see two purposes for a moderator: (1) to keep the game moving, and (2) since this is a RP game, you probably want the AI factions to survive better than usual, so you probably want to tweak their stats, which implies a scenario file. I've a fair bit of experience in trying to referee rules intended to enforce "role-playing" on a MUD, and based on that experience I don't think there's any point in trying to make or enforce such rules.

                  Based on experience I've had since I organized RP1, I'd say that 4 players is a maximum, and that the restricted SE-settings idea isn't practical unless you're willing to forget about game balance (as Simpson II says).

                  So far we have interest for a SMAC game from Simpson II and Dilithium Dad, and in SMAC or SMACX from 14thCorps and Googlie. I'd be interested in playing a game I wasn't moderating (although not against the Drones - I completely agree with Adam_Smith about them). So if people want to post their faction preferences maybe we can set a game up.

                  [This message has been edited by Basil (edited August 12, 2000).]


                  • #10
                    I prolly need to back off until I'm back from vacation in mid-october

                    I'll see what's getting started then



                    • #11
                      Is anyone still interested?

                      If we play Smac then there's no problem with the Drones (so to speak)

                      With regard to factions, for RP I'd rather have the University or the Hive (no scruples!) But anyone other than Miriam or Morgan will do.
                      "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
                      - Samuel Palmer


                      • #12
                        Well, it seems to me that we almost have enough people for a 4-player SMAC game:
                        Googlie Moderator
                        Simpson II University or Hive
                        Basil Gaians

                        14th Corps? DiLiDad?


                        • #13
                          Also, it looks like we will need a replacement Hive player over at RP1. Anyone interested? It is SMACX.

