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Morgan - Sparta Challenge Turns (Part 2)

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  • #46

    well if we played on a tiny map with spoils of war on then i doubt that mongoose would stand much of a chance...

    but anyways 2186 sent to mongoose

    and yes i am looking forward to sikander's report since we have made contact it can't be as damaging as what it once was



    • #47
      MY 2187 sent to Korn.


      • #48
        2188 sent to mongoose

        things look like they are going to get interesting...

        mongoose is now dem/green/wealth i guess he wants the +4 effic plus the +2 i wonder if he is dumping that into economy or into labs...

        i spotted a transport of his i wonder what its up to...

        i have 40 population mongoose has 36 i wonder if he will over take me soon...

        three mindworms appeared in my territory this turn in two different locations, i guess planet hates me...

        i wonder if my army can beat his economy...



        • #49
          MY 2188 sent to Korn.


          • #50
            2189 sent to mongoose


            • #51
              Sikanders report will be outdated even before it comes out.. do you think you could send me a turn so i can see how things are going?


              • #52
                MY 2189 sent to Korn.


                • #53
                  2190 sent to mongoose

                  for those of you who want a little update...

                  ok i have located mongoose and set up a firebase outside of his territory (outpost 454) and i have some 6x-1-10 gas jets in it

                  so far mongoose has been defending against my gas jets by not garrisoning his bases...that strategy won't work for long

                  currently i have destroyed a former and a 2-3t-4 trance foil...the trance foil was lurking in the fungus outside of was pretty obvious i also found more of mongoose's units lurking in the fungus on the return trip from toasting his former

                  this turn i completed the Planetary Transit System and my population is now 52 compared with mongoose's 36

                  i am none/FM/none/none and mongoose is dem/green/wealth

                  mongoose just discoved gene splicing this if he is dumping all of his cash into research he will discover SFF in three turns...four if i am lucky

                  i have been doing my own research as well and though mongoose has an overall tech lead (maybe as many as three or four more total techs than me...centauri empathy and nonlinear mathematics being at least two of those techs) i have the weapon superiority for now

                  some weird things are happening jet when it attacked this turn was disiplined (-)(+) and it gave me a -12% combat bonus...right now i have +2 morale and the unit was built in a base with a children's creche and then transferred to a base without a creche...can anybody explain to me what is going on here?



                  • #54
                    When you transfered the unit to the base without a children's creche you lost discipline.


                    • #55
                      ok after doing more base is in drone i think somebody mentioned that it was possible for drone riots to lower morale...however i still don't understand the morale level advancement screen...why would it say that my units became disiplined when they were really hardend


                      • #56
                        I've looked at korn469's game file. I can't figure out why his disciplined units are getting -12% on attack. Also it says that the disciplined unit got upgraded to disciplined but after that it shows hardened. My guess is that the game file is corrupt.


                        • #57
                          MY 2190 sent to Korn and Sikander.

                          Drone riots in the supporting base (in this case caused by FM pacifism) lower the morale by a grade (from Disciplined to Green)

                          I would guess that the combat screen simply takes the morale status at the time of combat and adds one level when reporting the upgrade. I further suppose that you will find all is back to rights once you attend to your drone problems.


                          • #58
                            2191 sent to mongoose

                            i wonder if you had an elite unit and purposely sent the base into drone riots if it could get a morale upgrade and become a trans-elite unit...i doubt it but it would be awsome if you could



                            • #59
                              that's another bug then
                              damn this game has lots of bugs...

                              if i had of built the jet at base without a children's creche my unit would have been disiplined because of my +2 is saying my unit IS disiplined...i just tested it out again and my unit got an upgrade and it said it achieved disiplined status but then when i look at my unit after the upgrade it is saying it is (-)(+)hardend

                              what do the (-)(+) mean? and what does (+)(+) mean?



                              • #60
                                after more testing i can confirm that somehow most probably because of a bug i am not getting the proper morale units are actually getting a lower level of morale than they are supposed to and when they upgrade by winning a victory instead of saying they are hardend which they should be it says they increase to disiplined but when i look it says they are it says they are disiplined...because of the spartan morale bonus they should be disiplined...but they get a green combat bonus, and when they increase in morale levels it says on the advancment screen that they are increasing to disiplined but when i look at the unit it says that they are hardend (-)(+)...and they should be hardend on offense and vetern on defense if they had recieved a morale gain from combat because of +2 morale (+1 on offense +2 on defense)...this must be a children's creche bug stupid bugs!

                                whatever happened to the bug list? i think it is time to resurrect it


