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More Tournament games in progress

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  • More Tournament games in progress

    I cannot edit zsozso's posts so I have to set up another thread for this. And I do not know how to make nice-looking tables so you will have to make do with plain text.

    Alpha Centauri games currently in progress (additional):

    ACT005: MichaeltheGreat, Hive; korn469, Spartans; BustaMike, Peacekeepers

    ACT006: Spekter, Hive; Grigger, University; Paul, Morgan
    [This message has been edited by Tau Ceti (edited January 17, 2000).]

  • #2
    Hive and Spartans matched against PK? I really really wanna know how BustaMike fares in ACT005!!


    • #3
      He will not have a chance if the other two gang up against him, but then I do not think anyone has much of a chance if he is attacked by two humans at the same time. That said, I think he will have an economic and technological advantage over the Hive, and an infrastructural one over the Spartans, so it should not be impossible. We will see.

      I am busy right now, but I intend to start this game later tonight or tomorrow:

      Kinjiru, Data Angels; Lord Maxwell, University; hygum, Cyborgs.

      If anyone has any objections or wishes to change his faction, please post here or email me at .


      • #4
        I received no objections, so the game has been created and sent to hygum.


        • #5
          An island start works wonders. I normally play PK in PBEM's, and play them as an agressive, expansionist faction. It's very hard to invade against a competent defender on the distances in these maps with piddly transport foils, moving two units three turns at a time. The time in transit delay gives the defender plenty of time to prepare, and the transport foils are vulnerable to attack.

          In this map, PK has as good a chance as any faction. The only faction really shafted is the Believers, as the map limits the usability of their ground units. By the time they could invade in force, any other faction would be well ahead in tech.

          BTW, I've held against coordinated attacks from three human players in a four on two game. Counterattacks with nerve gas are great. 1,000,000 years give or take of sanctions didn't help , but the worm rape hit everyone equally, and kept them off my back. Losses were one outpost base obliterated to keep it being useful to the enemy.
          [This message has been edited by MichaeltheGreat (edited January 19, 2000).]
          When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


          • #6
            Alien Crossfire games currently in progress (additional):

            AXT002: hygum, Cyborgs; Lord Maxwell, University; Kinjiru, Data Angels
            AXT003: Fistandantilus, University; TigToad, Gaians; Zsozso, Cyborgs

