Spartan Democratic Republic News Network
VG Day Celebrations break out across Chiron!
According to Colonel Santiago in an off camera interview our victory came from defeat.
Nearly one hundred years ago our young men of the Spartan Armed Forces stormed University Beach it was a bloody battle. Heavy casualties were taken on both sides in the struggle to take the beaches, and at first although causualties were heavy the Spartan Amphibious Task Forced stormed ashore. Eventhough Intelligence was quite good prior to the invasion, some of the Gaian Units were well camoflauged and escaped detection. These camoflauged units were mindworms and the put up a desperate fight for the beaches but even their fanatical defence of the beaches couldn't hold off the first wave of our armored vehicles. According to the invasion plan University base should have fell and it would then be used for a staging area to strike deep into Gaian territory. Also freeing University base would lift the seige of of our Ally Academician Zakharov, because it appear that he too was about to be overran by the gaian war machine.
The fight for university base was a desprate pitched battle, the gaian defenders were well dug into their positions, and our Spartan forces were almost all tanks. Tanks were ill equipped for the bloody house to house fighting, and even though we out numbered the gaians they managed to hold off our first assault. Even though we didn't take as many causualties as the gaians our losses were still heavy, while we regrouped and prepared to continue our assualt, a fierce gaian counter attack swept our troops into the sea, every single soldiers that had made it ashore died in the counter attack. Then the gaian navy engaged our amphibious transports, and destroyed one third of them and inflicted heavy damage on the rest. Colonel Santiago met with her generals in what was supposed to be a victory celebration but now we weeked across the ocean at the gaians, they were heavily entrenched across all fronts, they were firmly in control of all of their territories and everyday the gaian army was growing larger, and our intelligence agency had warned us fifty years earlier that the gaians were research efforts were aimed at developing an aerospace industry. Suddenly the bulk of our army was dead, the gaians had a lead in technology, and the gap was beginning to widen. Our intelligence agency predicted that within 20 years they would have the capacity to deploy an airforce. Things were looking bleak. It appeared that the gaians were preparing for their own invasion, Zakharov had fled to his last rfuge and everytime we contacted him he asked for our immeadiate aid, because it appeared that in a short matter of time the gaians would overrun his last two divisions. It really was a time of choas in the Spartan high command.
It came down to a tough decision, the old guard hard liners wanted to continue the war following the same strategy, except they wanted more control of the people, they insisted that military production must be increased, they also suggested that our current economic system had collapsed and with greater regulation of the economy we could boost our industrial output and increase our weapons production. They pointed out that our current system held the population in check quite easily through our secret police force and our propaganda ministry, no one dared question the states authority. And it was quite easy to see that the Spartan Armed Forces were the best trained and equipped across Chiron. Our total dedication to military power had given our generals the tools they need to build a large and formidable army. They ninsisted that to achieve victory, we justed need to do what we had been except divert all of our resources to the war effort.
There was one decenting voice, one person who had the courage to speak up. That person was Doctor Hector Bonaventura. He was the mastermind behind the Spartan research effort. Shortly after the battle he had a long and priavte conversation with Colonel Santiago, and he urged her for changes, when he left her office he later confided in her that he expected to be arrested, and tried as a traitor. That was how wide spread the grip of terror extended.
Less than a week later he was shocked by the annoucement that Colonel Santiago issued. In the statement Santiago annouced military cutback and the retirement of two of the top generals. Usually generals were not dismissed, usually they simply disappeared, being dragged somewhere into the Internal Security Beaurea's Head Quarters. Drastic social reforms began to sweep the Spartan Free State. Production of recreation facilities and science centers began in everycity. Sweeping economic reforms took place and then in a suprise move Colonel Santiago annouced that she was stepping down as the Supreme Commander of the Spartan Free State, she annouced that she was going to run for President of Sparta in the first free election since Planet fall. In the first truly free election Colonel Santiago won, U.N. Peace Keepers monitored the election to prevent vote tampering and in the constitution convention the Spartan Free State was disbanded, and the new Spartan Democratic republic was born.
Our war with the gaians intensified, but shortly before they developed an air force Doctor Bonaventura developed a miracle, fusion power. Newly equipped fusion AAA divisions beat off the gaian air force, even though they tried to use nerve gas to wipe us off the planet. In an agonizing decision, Santiago, morgan, Lal, and Vakorhov decided to use any means necesary to deafeat Lady Nell. The U.N. charter was revoked and with our newly developed air force equipped nerve gas on every bomber. The air war intensified, and the gaians made many amphibious raids. In one of those raids 40,000 Spartan citizens were massacred by the blood thirsty gaians. An agonizing choice was made to share our technology with our long time ally Zakorhov and he used our existing technology to perfect Space flight, however two disturbing things came out of this, nuclear weapons technology was once again perfected, and Lady Nell's spy network quickly obtained ALL of the classified information we provided to Zakorhov.
Shortly thereafter gaian missle raids began, and Lady Nell won the planetary govenorship. Our diplomats were deported along with our covert oportives, and behind an iron curtain, Lady Nell began to deploy a large number of cruise missles. Every raid resulted in heavy caualties, however once a AAA plasma garrison division managed to survive a missle attack. Lady Nell then began to launch constant raids against Morgan, and with the missle raids the Morganites were overran, Lady Nell massacred every Morganite, and when we entered into the smouldering ruins of Morgan industried we fould CEO Morgan had been crucified.
Lady Nell began the construction of a land bride to link out two continants and even though we strafed and destroyed a great deal of her combat engineers they managed to complete the land bridge. We had just completed the prototype of our newest and most deadly weapon a helicopter, it too was equipped with nerve gas, fearing a land war, our helicopter forces were perfectly suited to destoying the gaian gound forces. We had also completed a special project, the cyborg Factory. That coupled with our other secret Project the Command Nexus, and our vrious areospace facilites meant that every single one of our troops we deployed were elite. Trinity one of our largest cities with unsurpassed industrial capasity had just completed our helicopter when the gaians deployed their newest weapon. the Spartan early warning network detected another missle launch heding for trinity, except this time the missle had a thremonuclear tip. Trinity was vaporized, and the gains had a land brige leading straight to the Spartand heartland. More helicopters were built and our forces thanks to economic reforms were beginning to enjoy the benefits of superior weapons. the gaian land assualt forced was destroyed and nerve gas raids against gaian cities decimated their garrisons and populations.
The gaians began to use a scorched earth policy of destroying the bases our air force had opened up making sure we didn't get an airbase any closer to them. Another advance in technology allowed the Spartan Democratic Republic the technology to clone our best and brightest. Our population began growing at an amazing rate, and we once agained regained the Planetary Govonership. The gaians used another nuclear weapon and this time 70,000 Spartan citizens were killed, our closest airbase to gaian territory was turned to ashes, and the bulk of our airforce was destroyed however, our technology lead was increasing, and the first carrier was deployed. In the meantime Lady Nell had stopped responding to the longevity treatments and had rapidly beagn to age. he died of old age on the same turn as we developed our first nuclear weapon. The gaian government began peace negociations, however we had one condition uncondition surrender. The negociations began to stall until The Hive was turned into a crater. The gaian governemnet then accepted our terms.
And here we are today celebrating VG day, all across Chiron in everycity people are celebrating, Brother Lal and Zakorhov were on hand when the gaians formally surrendered. Victory!!!
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Spartan Democratic Republic News Network
VG Day Celebrations break out across Chiron!
According to Colonel Santiago in an off camera interview our victory came from defeat.
Nearly one hundred years ago our young men of the Spartan Armed Forces stormed University Beach it was a bloody battle. Heavy casualties were taken on both sides in the struggle to take the beaches, and at first although causualties were heavy the Spartan Amphibious Task Forced stormed ashore. Eventhough Intelligence was quite good prior to the invasion, some of the Gaian Units were well camoflauged and escaped detection. These camoflauged units were mindworms and the put up a desperate fight for the beaches but even their fanatical defence of the beaches couldn't hold off the first wave of our armored vehicles. According to the invasion plan University base should have fell and it would then be used for a staging area to strike deep into Gaian territory. Also freeing University base would lift the seige of of our Ally Academician Zakharov, because it appear that he too was about to be overran by the gaian war machine.
The fight for university base was a desprate pitched battle, the gaian defenders were well dug into their positions, and our Spartan forces were almost all tanks. Tanks were ill equipped for the bloody house to house fighting, and even though we out numbered the gaians they managed to hold off our first assault. Even though we didn't take as many causualties as the gaians our losses were still heavy, while we regrouped and prepared to continue our assualt, a fierce gaian counter attack swept our troops into the sea, every single soldiers that had made it ashore died in the counter attack. Then the gaian navy engaged our amphibious transports, and destroyed one third of them and inflicted heavy damage on the rest. Colonel Santiago met with her generals in what was supposed to be a victory celebration but now we weeked across the ocean at the gaians, they were heavily entrenched across all fronts, they were firmly in control of all of their territories and everyday the gaian army was growing larger, and our intelligence agency had warned us fifty years earlier that the gaians were research efforts were aimed at developing an aerospace industry. Suddenly the bulk of our army was dead, the gaians had a lead in technology, and the gap was beginning to widen. Our intelligence agency predicted that within 20 years they would have the capacity to deploy an airforce. Things were looking bleak. It appeared that the gaians were preparing for their own invasion, Zakharov had fled to his last rfuge and everytime we contacted him he asked for our immeadiate aid, because it appeared that in a short matter of time the gaians would overrun his last two divisions. It really was a time of choas in the Spartan high command.
It came down to a tough decision, the old guard hard liners wanted to continue the war following the same strategy, except they wanted more control of the people, they insisted that military production must be increased, they also suggested that our current economic system had collapsed and with greater regulation of the economy we could boost our industrial output and increase our weapons production. They pointed out that our current system held the population in check quite easily through our secret police force and our propaganda ministry, no one dared question the states authority. And it was quite easy to see that the Spartan Armed Forces were the best trained and equipped across Chiron. Our total dedication to military power had given our generals the tools they need to build a large and formidable army. They ninsisted that to achieve victory, we justed need to do what we had been except divert all of our resources to the war effort.
There was one decenting voice, one person who had the courage to speak up. That person was Doctor Hector Bonaventura. He was the mastermind behind the Spartan research effort. Shortly after the battle he had a long and priavte conversation with Colonel Santiago, and he urged her for changes, when he left her office he later confided in her that he expected to be arrested, and tried as a traitor. That was how wide spread the grip of terror extended.
Less than a week later he was shocked by the annoucement that Colonel Santiago issued. In the statement Santiago annouced military cutback and the retirement of two of the top generals. Usually generals were not dismissed, usually they simply disappeared, being dragged somewhere into the Internal Security Beaurea's Head Quarters. Drastic social reforms began to sweep the Spartan Free State. Production of recreation facilities and science centers began in everycity. Sweeping economic reforms took place and then in a suprise move Colonel Santiago annouced that she was stepping down as the Supreme Commander of the Spartan Free State, she annouced that she was going to run for President of Sparta in the first free election since Planet fall. In the first truly free election Colonel Santiago won, U.N. Peace Keepers monitored the election to prevent vote tampering and in the constitution convention the Spartan Free State was disbanded, and the new Spartan Democratic republic was born.
Our war with the gaians intensified, but shortly before they developed an air force Doctor Bonaventura developed a miracle, fusion power. Newly equipped fusion AAA divisions beat off the gaian air force, even though they tried to use nerve gas to wipe us off the planet. In an agonizing decision, Santiago, morgan, Lal, and Vakorhov decided to use any means necesary to deafeat Lady Nell. The U.N. charter was revoked and with our newly developed air force equipped nerve gas on every bomber. The air war intensified, and the gaians made many amphibious raids. In one of those raids 40,000 Spartan citizens were massacred by the blood thirsty gaians. An agonizing choice was made to share our technology with our long time ally Zakorhov and he used our existing technology to perfect Space flight, however two disturbing things came out of this, nuclear weapons technology was once again perfected, and Lady Nell's spy network quickly obtained ALL of the classified information we provided to Zakorhov.
Shortly thereafter gaian missle raids began, and Lady Nell won the planetary govenorship. Our diplomats were deported along with our covert oportives, and behind an iron curtain, Lady Nell began to deploy a large number of cruise missles. Every raid resulted in heavy caualties, however once a AAA plasma garrison division managed to survive a missle attack. Lady Nell then began to launch constant raids against Morgan, and with the missle raids the Morganites were overran, Lady Nell massacred every Morganite, and when we entered into the smouldering ruins of Morgan industried we fould CEO Morgan had been crucified.
Lady Nell began the construction of a land bride to link out two continants and even though we strafed and destroyed a great deal of her combat engineers they managed to complete the land bridge. We had just completed the prototype of our newest and most deadly weapon a helicopter, it too was equipped with nerve gas, fearing a land war, our helicopter forces were perfectly suited to destoying the gaian gound forces. We had also completed a special project, the cyborg Factory. That coupled with our other secret Project the Command Nexus, and our vrious areospace facilites meant that every single one of our troops we deployed were elite. Trinity one of our largest cities with unsurpassed industrial capasity had just completed our helicopter when the gaians deployed their newest weapon. the Spartan early warning network detected another missle launch heding for trinity, except this time the missle had a thremonuclear tip. Trinity was vaporized, and the gains had a land brige leading straight to the Spartand heartland. More helicopters were built and our forces thanks to economic reforms were beginning to enjoy the benefits of superior weapons. the gaian land assualt forced was destroyed and nerve gas raids against gaian cities decimated their garrisons and populations.
The gaians began to use a scorched earth policy of destroying the bases our air force had opened up making sure we didn't get an airbase any closer to them. Another advance in technology allowed the Spartan Democratic Republic the technology to clone our best and brightest. Our population began growing at an amazing rate, and we once agained regained the Planetary Govonership. The gaians used another nuclear weapon and this time 70,000 Spartan citizens were killed, our closest airbase to gaian territory was turned to ashes, and the bulk of our airforce was destroyed however, our technology lead was increasing, and the first carrier was deployed. In the meantime Lady Nell had stopped responding to the longevity treatments and had rapidly beagn to age. he died of old age on the same turn as we developed our first nuclear weapon. The gaian government began peace negociations, however we had one condition uncondition surrender. The negociations began to stall until The Hive was turned into a crater. The gaian governemnet then accepted our terms.
And here we are today celebrating VG day, all across Chiron in everycity people are celebrating, Brother Lal and Zakorhov were on hand when the gaians formally surrendered. Victory!!!
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