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Autorun freezes with Win2000

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  • Autorun freezes with Win2000

    When I run the autorun, and then click on install, autorun freezes.

    If I try to run setup directly, nothing happens.

    Does this happen to anyone else? Something having to do with the fact that I'm running Win2000?

  • #2
    I seem to remember a similar problem when I first installed Alien Crossfire. What worked for me was changing the display resolution. But I have win 98, so it might not be the same problem.
    "Nine out of ten voices in my head CAN'T be wrong, can they?"


    • #3
      Windows 2000 does not itself have a problem.

      It is typically a display driver problem.

      Sometimes changing resolution or color depth will help (smac only uses 256 regardless of what you have set in windows).

      In rare cases the copyright protection scheme on the non-us versions have problems with some CD-writers. This can be solved with a no-cd crack that is drifting around somewhere out there.

      Copying all files to the HD and running install from there should get you going. If you can't copy them you have a faulty CD or drive.

      There is a compatibility pack also addressing SMAC under win2k that can be downloaded from that helps make it run smoother. But your problem is something else.

      Best bet is your graphics driver.

      [This message has been edited by buster (edited May 18, 2001).]

