... in SMAC? SMAX? And why? (I know that in the dim past the same question was asked but tempus has fugit'ed and some may have changed their outlook.)
I'll start off.
I prefer University but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it's the first one that came up when I played SMAC for the first time. The individual speaking Zak's lines is either a native-born Russian or Russian is his 2nd language; I vote for the former and I liked that. Maybe its because I also speak Russian (t'shut t'shut) and have spent a lot of time in Russia.
I always played CivII on Communist - not because I think it's a great government but because of the game advantages I received from it; especially after Adams Trading Post. Univ is essentially a Police State tho' I change the params as soon as I can.
I haven't played enough SMAX yet tho' the Cyborgs appeal. BTW - anyone have a decent picture of Seven of Nine? She'd make a good replacement for the Cyborg pic.
[This message has been edited by lbores (edited February 19, 2001).]
I'll start off.
I prefer University but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it's the first one that came up when I played SMAC for the first time. The individual speaking Zak's lines is either a native-born Russian or Russian is his 2nd language; I vote for the former and I liked that. Maybe its because I also speak Russian (t'shut t'shut) and have spent a lot of time in Russia.
An aside: It p_isses me off no end that given all the cash they got for their roles, that the principles in Hunt for Red October absolutely butchered their Russian lines. Some of the words I never heard of. It also p_isses me off that Clancy himself insists on using nechievo as an expletive - which it isn't. But I digress.
I always played CivII on Communist - not because I think it's a great government but because of the game advantages I received from it; especially after Adams Trading Post. Univ is essentially a Police State tho' I change the params as soon as I can.
I haven't played enough SMAX yet tho' the Cyborgs appeal. BTW - anyone have a decent picture of Seven of Nine? She'd make a good replacement for the Cyborg pic.
[This message has been edited by lbores (edited February 19, 2001).]