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SMAC still in top 10???

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  • SMAC still in top 10???

    Just got back from taking a look at the top 100 world charts. Anyway, I noticed that SMAC is still in the top 10 list! It has been on there for 98 weeks and still is up there. At #1 for 25 weeks and there still is not a game up there that has been voted #1 that much. Anyway a would say this is quite an accomplishment for Firaxis. This is not lame reviewers but players of SMAC that know what it is all about and go to vote for it.

  • #2
    Actually this makes me sad. Don't get me wrong: I love SMAC, and I wish everyone else did too. But its presence on this list seems to reflect a die-hard contingent that wants to keep their game visible, when mediocre sales and lukewarm critical response have made it destined for the cheap bins.


    • #3
      Poor SMAC

      Actually it didn't do too badly, it just wasn't a tenth of what civ2's sales charts were. Heck, civ2 is still selling millions via the Gold edition while Alien Crossfire was a one month success that sold horribly overall.
      [This message has been edited by SMACed (edited January 08, 2001).]


      • #4

        At #1 for 25 weeks and there still is not a game up there that has been voted #1 that much


        But its presence on this list seems to reflect a die-hard contingent that wants to keep their game visible

        HP, if this is true, why don't the fans of the other games try to band together, vote, and keep their game visible?


        • #5
          I have no idea, SMACed. I'd speculate it has something to do with the type of person that goes nuts over SMAC. It's a fact that SMAC's sales don't mirror its performance on the chart, so there must be some element of fanaticism at play.


          • #6

            I'd speculate it has something to do with the type of person that goes nuts over SMAC

            The new stereotype for AC players isn't a pleasant one


            It's a fact that SMAC's sales don't mirror its performance on the chart, so there must be some element of fanaticism at play

            I'm a little interested in the PC Data sales charts for SMAC, it'll be interesting to see if I can live up to my stereotype and find them

