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Max # of units? Anybody know?

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  • Max # of units? Anybody know?

    Does anybody know the max number of units?

    At a certain point in the game I cannot build anymore units.
    Seems to be at about five hundred.
    Any idea?
    Its purty damn fustrating when Im gittin ready for a massive invasion and then find Im not able to build the transports.

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Docfeelgood, I have had the game never come out of end-of-turn, probably due to something being overloaded, but I have never reached a unit limit. This was a real problem in the original CIV game where the limit was around 120 units, if I remember correctly. One simply did not have enough units to both garrison one's cities and launch and offensive. So, typically, you just left your "interior" cities unoccuppied.

    I suggest a similar strategy here. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • #3

      Just opened another saved game - I have 865 units (88 bases) - altho of the units, 218 are land supply crawlers and 242 are ocean crawlers (don't know if that makes any difference - their not all being combat units)



      • #4

        Same as ned - I have a stalled game that several have tried to advance, but it was humungus map and many units (but I had only 421, whereas Yang (AI) had almost 600)

        Don't think it's a #s thing, prolly an overall systems overload thing. (My rig's a PIII 700 with 128 MB RAM and I prolly pushed it to the limit - the map was 960 x 900)



        • #5
          Where can you find a count for the number of units? Or do you need to do a city by city inspection in the base operations status screen?


          • #6
            Why not go to the base operations and hit the button that displays all the units? If you add up all the (alive) units there it will be quicker than a base by base inspection if you have a big empire.


            • #7

              RedFred et al:

              game does the addition for you.

              F7 brings it up

              Bottom left should have a small window that shows:

              Land Units x - y - z
              Naval units x - y - z
              Air Units x - y - z
              Non-combat Units x - y - z

              Total Units x - y - z

              where x = # active; y = # in production and z = # lost

              (Can also be accessed thru the F2 key, and Security Nexus (penultimate icon - shield - in the icon row at bottom)


