Hi everyone. I know this topic has already been addressed previously to some extent, but I wanted to bring it up again to see if anyone had any new ideas. In the past I've always concentrated my efforts on building one big research base with all the SP's (ME,SC,TOE), and lots of energy crawlers. I'm now wondering if splitting the SP's, especially SC and TOE, might be the way to go.
In my most recent game, I started having the problem of losing large amounts of research late in the game because my base was approximately 50% of my total research, and I believe any additional research from THE SAME BASE is lost after completing a tech. For example, I had 11k research accumulated, the tech cost 13.5k, and I was running 18.5k per turn. "Cool!" I say, "I get two techs next turn".
But the problem was, my science base was generating about 8.5k of my total research. It's actually my third base...my original capital was generating about 800 RP's, and then a captured base with only about 15 RP's. So the problem is, if I don't go over the top with my first two bases, I use my third base, and waste about 7.5k of research.
I first tried everything I could think of to raise my first base up...fiddling with SE settings, redirecting crawlers, etc, but it was impossible. I ended up reducing my research % way down to avoid wasting all those points, but I had to wait an extra turn to get the second tech (Threshold of Transcendance).
The pros and cons as I see it are:
Pros for single research base:
- No efficiency loss at second base.
- Less crawlers needed to build up energy
- Can take advantage of ME (4X factor using SC and TOE)
- By the time you start losing RP's, too late in the game to matter (Most significant IMO).
Pros for multiple research bases:
- If close to HQ or using specialist, efficiency loss is small.
- Don't have to redirect crawlers to a single base.
- Sometimes more convenient to build SP's at different locations.
- If you lose one base to PB or conquest, less damaging to your empire.
- Less chance of wasting RP's after completing a tech.
Does anyone have any idea's or additional pros or cons? Sorry for writing a book here but I tend to be a bit verbose.
[This message has been edited by hellrazor (edited November 29, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by hellrazor (edited November 29, 2000).]
In my most recent game, I started having the problem of losing large amounts of research late in the game because my base was approximately 50% of my total research, and I believe any additional research from THE SAME BASE is lost after completing a tech. For example, I had 11k research accumulated, the tech cost 13.5k, and I was running 18.5k per turn. "Cool!" I say, "I get two techs next turn".
But the problem was, my science base was generating about 8.5k of my total research. It's actually my third base...my original capital was generating about 800 RP's, and then a captured base with only about 15 RP's. So the problem is, if I don't go over the top with my first two bases, I use my third base, and waste about 7.5k of research.
I first tried everything I could think of to raise my first base up...fiddling with SE settings, redirecting crawlers, etc, but it was impossible. I ended up reducing my research % way down to avoid wasting all those points, but I had to wait an extra turn to get the second tech (Threshold of Transcendance).
The pros and cons as I see it are:
Pros for single research base:
- No efficiency loss at second base.
- Less crawlers needed to build up energy
- Can take advantage of ME (4X factor using SC and TOE)
- By the time you start losing RP's, too late in the game to matter (Most significant IMO).
Pros for multiple research bases:
- If close to HQ or using specialist, efficiency loss is small.
- Don't have to redirect crawlers to a single base.
- Sometimes more convenient to build SP's at different locations.
- If you lose one base to PB or conquest, less damaging to your empire.
- Less chance of wasting RP's after completing a tech.
Does anyone have any idea's or additional pros or cons? Sorry for writing a book here but I tend to be a bit verbose.
[This message has been edited by hellrazor (edited November 29, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by hellrazor (edited November 29, 2000).]