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  • #16

    Originally posted by Simpson II on 08-28-2000 10:07 PM
    My point was that there were 10 unerringly positive reviews. What more could someone want to know about buying Smac?
    you never what the next guy will say...

    If you want to breath some life into the Smac section of the site, I'll be the first to put my hand up to help.
    beware, i'll keep that in mind when the smac file database is converted to the script that the civ2 one has recently converted to....

    now, since you appreciate our work, cant you suffer a little by having this thread at the top????


    • #17
      All right. I posted a review. *Now* am I allowed to ask that this thread be allowed to drop down the listings?
      Team 'Poly


      • #18

        now, since you appreciate our work, cant you suffer a little by having this thread at the top????

        A better question: why do you want to make us suffer, even if only a little, especially when less annoying alternatives exist?


        • #19
          Oh well. Seems we're not allowed to talk about the weather which is a shame since it was altogether more entertaining and useful than this thread has managed to be so far.

          So I guess we should just go back to posting about how totally sodding unreasonable and bloody irritating it is to have this very silly thread permanently fixed at the top of the board for a period, now, of almost two months. Perhaps the humourless - and silent - censor might consider posting a rational explanation as to exactly what good this is doing anyone? Apart from irritating regular posters, of course.
          Team 'Poly


          • #20
            Well, at least we know that someone in authority is reading this thread, even though that person doesn't want to answer the question in my previous post. But it would be a nice courtesy to be notified that our innocuous, albeit admittedly off-topic postings are being deleted. Feels like a virtual slap in the face.


            • #21
              Well, *mine* wasn't off-topic. I was actually posting to ask other SMACers which weather conditions they find to be ideal for playing SMAC. Totally on-topic and reasonable, I reckon. After all, *I'm* your sensitive, artistic type. I *need* the right weather to get into this game and I believe that there are other people like me out there ...
              Team 'Poly


              • #22
                it's only sad to see such egoism being displayed on this thread by a couple of people

                after the characterization of the appearance of a thread on the top of the forum as "suffering", now someone expects to be notified when his off-topic post in a on-topic thread is deleted!!

                Markos, Apolyton Civilization Site

