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Let's keep this forum going!

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  • Let's keep this forum going!

    Over the past few days I've kind of been noticing that the postings are dwindling down and are less frequent, and no one has posted any new topics in awhile. C'MON, WHERE IS EVERYBODY?
    So, I was wondering...Does anybody know the breakdown of who hates who in SMAC(X)? Like for example I know that Yang and the PK are against eachother, and obviously Marr and H'minee, but what about the rest? White Elephants, where have you been? Missing your one-liners. Let's try to make this coffeehouse style and keep it going.

    Carved upon my stone-
    my body lie
    but still I roam.

  • #2
    I've noticed the same thing, Death. But with the new "who's online now" gimmick, I have also seen a lot of lurkers who don't post, at least not in the SMAC/X forum.

    It's only natural to have some attrition as the game ages and people move on to newer ones. But it seems like there are quite a few new SMAC/Xers, and the game continues to rate very high in the polls.

    What can we do to entice the new folks to jump in?


    • #3
      I was looking around yesterday at other game sites, and overall I'm noticing that there is really no advertisement for this site. So I'm going to start advertising it at my site (even though it has 19 hits to date), and posting links everywhere I can. That way, more people will come and talk about SMACX. Although it is not helping that the people who used to post here a lot are leaving though.

      Carved upon my stone-
      my body lie
      but still I roam.


      • #4
        The Gaians hate Morgan, Miriam hates Zak, but Joni still loves Cha-Chi.


        • #5
          just match up the factions, spartans hate zak cause of power vs know etc


          • #6

            Not quite as simple as that. If you're Zak, and run Power, The Colonel's your bosom buddy and wants to pact. If you change to Wealth, next turn the pact's off and the turn after she's in Vendetta with you.

            Zak's beef is more with Miriam, if she's played as Fundy (or anyone else as Fundy)

            And Morgan as Green makes so much sense that Deirdre is hanging all over him.



            • #7
              I rarely need to post. I can find answers to all my questions on previous posts. I also dont got any games worth mentioning. I still play thinker difficulty cuz i die fast on anything higher... truly pathetic huh?


              • #8
                It's not that you need to post, it's that you want to, right?
                Anyhow, I was thinking that Roze probably hates Santiago and Svensgard due to the fact they're about power and the Angels are hacker anarchists. Christians are against anarchy, so they should hate Roze also. Therefore, Santiago, Svensgard, and Miriam should all be friends, right? Wrong. Why didn't they program the AI to settle their differences and defeat the common foe. Besides, Roze needs a challenge. Also, it stands to reason that Roze and Morgan should hate eachother, because the Angels were originally from Morgan, as were the Pirates, I believe. So then, the Pirates and Angels should ally against the mother country, eh? Wrong again... This game is like a soap opera.

                Carved upon my stone-
                my body lie
                but still I roam.


                • #9
                  As Googlie mentioned, it is not so cut-n-dried. Santiago submitted to me when I showed up with fusion weapons. She was loyal for a long time. I gave Santiago more techs and a base and the next turn ... she broke the pact.

                  BTW, more people do go on vacation in the summer, so you may not see a lot of postings right now. I think that this game is so flexible that it will have a following for quite a while.....
                  Service means Citizenship. I'm doing my part!


                  • #10
                    Things are getting a bit cyclical here. Not much being posted for while, but then someone posts a question that gets a group responding, which then brnaches out into more topics...

                    In the meantime, you can always check out the OT forum. Lots is always going on there....


                    • #11
                      What's the "OT" forum?


                      • #12
                        Especially in SMACX, you will see odd pairings. Deirdre and Morgan will combine forces as often as not, especially against you or a strong AI factions. Another interesting pari is Aki and Zach. They are related, so to speak, and share agendas, but whenever they are in the same game they always fight.

                        A lot of it has to do with geography. If you are sharing a continent, they will be hostile. The farther away you are, the friendlier they'll be. Sometimes it pays to make a beeline for a distant faction early on.

                        Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet
                        Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                        • #13
                          WhiteElephants, OT means OffTopic Forum.

                          Simply look at the main forum index

                          Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
                          "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                          - Admiral Naismith


                          • #14
                            Actually I believe that Zak's agenda is Knowledge, whereas Aki's is Cybernetic...perhaps you mean they share aversion.

                            Carved upon my stone-
                            my body lie
                            but still I roam.


                            • #15
                              I agree that it is important to keep this forum going. It is by far the best site for exchanging ideas on SMAC(X).

                              To any lurkers: Do not be afraid to register and post some questions - or answers, Nobody (with a few exceptions perhaps ) will bite you. I started posting a few weeks ago, and eventhough some of my questions are probably redundant and preeety lame I have gotten nothing but polite answers from friendly people with whom I share this great interest of SMAC.

                              To the regulars (among whom I can scarcely be counted - yet): Keep it up


                              A former lurker
                              Civilisation means European civilisation. there is no other...
                              (Mustafa Kemal Pasha)

