I've been trying to dream up a new way to make single player a challenge. Rather than enforce some kind restriction on myself I'd like to try and make the AI factions harder to beat. So I've come up with this, I'm not a regular on this board so let me know if its already been done.
Basically I want to try and use the faction editor to increase the power of each faction, without turning all the factions into clones of each other. So I've eliminated the Social Engineering penalties of each faction, and increased their bonuses.
First choose the faction you wish to play, any but the Aliens is allowed. Then go into the faction editor and upgrade every AI faction into one of the 'superfactions' listed below. *Do not upgrade your own faction* thats the challenge. Standard size world, Trancend, no pods, not Blind research.
To create a Superfaction, eliminate their Social Engineering penalties and apply the new bonuses as shown below. The way I have determined a Superfactions bonuses is this. I gave each faction 6 points. Raising Industry, Economy or Growth costs 2 points, everything else costs 1 point. First I eliminated their penalties, then I exaggerated their bonuses. I didn't change their non-social bonuses/penalties, so for example Zak still has extra Drones and free Network Nodes.
+2 probe
+2 morale
+2 growth
+1 industry
+3 econ
+1 eff
+4 morale
+3 police
+2 plan
+4 eff
+1 growth
+1 econ
+1 support
+1 ind
+5 research
+1 eff
+1 morale
+1 industry
+4 industry
+3 probe
+1 econ
+2 research
+4 res
+4 eff
+3 plan
+1 eff
SMAC is a very finely balanced game, and making wholesale changes like this is bound to cause havoc with game balance, so I've got no idea how this game is going to turn out. I'd be interested if some of you SMAC veterans out there could help me balance the challenge. If this challenge turns out to be too hard I might decrease the number of 'points' each faction gets, or change the point cost of certain abilites.
I probably won't get the opportunity to play this challenge myself until after Christmas, but I'd be very interested to hear how anyone else fared in this challenge and how the AI factions used their newfound powers.
Basically I want to try and use the faction editor to increase the power of each faction, without turning all the factions into clones of each other. So I've eliminated the Social Engineering penalties of each faction, and increased their bonuses.
First choose the faction you wish to play, any but the Aliens is allowed. Then go into the faction editor and upgrade every AI faction into one of the 'superfactions' listed below. *Do not upgrade your own faction* thats the challenge. Standard size world, Trancend, no pods, not Blind research.
To create a Superfaction, eliminate their Social Engineering penalties and apply the new bonuses as shown below. The way I have determined a Superfactions bonuses is this. I gave each faction 6 points. Raising Industry, Economy or Growth costs 2 points, everything else costs 1 point. First I eliminated their penalties, then I exaggerated their bonuses. I didn't change their non-social bonuses/penalties, so for example Zak still has extra Drones and free Network Nodes.
+2 probe
+2 morale
+2 growth
+1 industry
+3 econ
+1 eff
+4 morale
+3 police
+2 plan
+4 eff
+1 growth
+1 econ
+1 support
+1 ind
+5 research
+1 eff
+1 morale
+1 industry
+4 industry
+3 probe
+1 econ
+2 research
+4 res
+4 eff
+3 plan
+1 eff
SMAC is a very finely balanced game, and making wholesale changes like this is bound to cause havoc with game balance, so I've got no idea how this game is going to turn out. I'd be interested if some of you SMAC veterans out there could help me balance the challenge. If this challenge turns out to be too hard I might decrease the number of 'points' each faction gets, or change the point cost of certain abilites.
I probably won't get the opportunity to play this challenge myself until after Christmas, but I'd be very interested to hear how anyone else fared in this challenge and how the AI factions used their newfound powers.