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Fall '00 Challenge - Setup Discussion

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  • #76
    Jimmytrick -- I don't neccessarily agree that the earliest victory is the best. For instance, you chose to approach this challenge with a momentum type strategy and went for a conquest victory. I, on the other hand, chose to go for transcendence. Now anyone who has played this game for a fair amount of time can testify that after Doctrine Air Power the AI factions are a non-factor and it's mearly a matter of time before you wipe their snot off the map. Factor in MMI and it gets ridiculous. In your approach to the game I would argue that the it was far more important for you to reach DAP and MMI where as in my approach it was far more important to reach trascendence. So comparing the time when I transcend and the time when you conquered the planet isn't a fair comparision to determine the best strategy. It's like comparing apples and organes. Had we all played for a conquest victory I would then be able to agree that the earliest victory is the best, but as it stands I feel that this challenge was somewhat flawed in that respect. I think that if you are going to play for the earliest victory, conquest is going to win out every time with every faction. So does that mean conquest victory and momentum strats are the best? I don't think so, but each player has to judge that for themselves.


    • #77
      I agree with you completely. You can't compare conquest with any other type of victory, but, within categories of victories first is best.

      I might switch to transcendance at some point just to see what I can do. Fusion Labs are on the horizon.


