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Anyone use Submarines successfully?

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  • #16
    Technically no, at least on a large scale. I'm just guessing that an operation like that would be effective. However, I frequently use a carrier sub with a PB on it, as well as an interceptor and/or bomber to terrorize my enemies. I do have faith in that strategy, however, the more I think about it the more I think you would need your own peaceful continent and a huge edge on the others to do it.

    I got my troubles
    An' my troubles they got me
    Ain't easy bein' an object
    In a game called ZZT
    -The Jazz Man


    • #17
      I get really nervious if my opponent has a PB and I don't know where it is. If it's PBEM I'm going to study on it for awhile. I'm going to check the datalinks to see what units he has. When I see that he has a submarine I'm going to see where that sub is supported at. Then I will send out some units to check it out. Now I admit that you can get tricky, but I'm going to be looking high and low for it for sure.


      • #18
        In response to Sub-carriers being unrealistic:

        Actually (not that it really matters) sub-carriers were built by the Japanese in WWII, with the purpose of launching a surprise attack/invasion on the U.S., however, they ran short on time, and the planes were used in Kamikaze attacks. My point: They've been used before in a real war, why not a SMAC war? It obviously isn't unrealistic. And wouldn't loading a sub-carrier in SMAC with PB's be todays missile sub equivalent.

        Also: You mentioned that sub-carriers create an imbalance in the game. In real life, destroyers carry sonar for sub detection. Would it not be realistic (and appropriate, IMHO) to offer that as a special ability in SMAC?

        Just some thoughts.

        "Beauty is not in the face...Beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran
        "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves" - Victor Hugo
        "It is noble to be good; it is still nobler to teach others to be good -- and less trouble." - Mark Twain


        • #19
          True, aircraft-carrying subs were built by the Japanese.. the unrealistic thing is the aircraft landing again! The carrier-subs were to be used in a Kamikaze attack on the Panama canal, and the planes were effectively missiles.

          Still, by the 2300's who knows what we might achieve. Certainly a submarine helicopter-carrier could be built today, if someone would stump up the money.
          "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
          - Samuel Palmer


          • #20
            I never even realized that a faction that has infiltrated me can look at the support map at the supporting base to see where the sub could possibly be (hint hint it's probably the dot near your stuff that you can't see a unit for). I'll have to keep that in mind. Which brings up a question. Is there any way to rid your faction of an infiltrator? In real life many infiltrators were caught, so why not in SMAC?

            I got my troubles
            An' my troubles they got me
            Ain't easy bein' an object
            In a game called ZZT
            -The Jazz Man


            • #21

              I don't know of anyway to rid yourself of an infiltrator. There probably should be, but it would have to be at least as hard as infiltrating.


              • #22
                Anyone us Submarines successfully?

                Weeell, not the russians!

                (Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I really feel sorry for those poor bastards trapped beneath the Arctic Sea)

                With respect, and may they be saved swiftly


                Civilisation means European civilisation. there is no other...
                (Mustafa Kemal Pasha)


                • #23
                  I don't think it is humanly possible to use submarines sucessfully. I used to use them for novelty value. Perhaps makes the crews of my ships feel invincible... only to be cut down by an AI needlejet. Oh well.

                  I gave up on using them long ago. Now I build custom ships (SAM+AAA for air attack missions, deep+marine for enemy ship capturing/destroying missions, ect)

                  And, as far as I can remember, I tried to look on the support map of an enemy I infltrated, and it only showed the base location, not anything outside of it. And I'm SURE they had units out there.
                  Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                  Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                  • #24
                    The jokes are inevitable unfortunately.

                    I would like to think that most nations would put more value in the lives of their sailors, but I really don't think that's true.

