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Poll - Cheese Dong: boy, girl, something else?

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  • Poll - Cheese Dong: boy, girl, something else?

    Well, whaddya think? Guy, gal, or somewhere in between? I'll say guy to get the ball rolling.

    My sorry excuse for a website
    My sorry excuse for a website

  • #2
    Uhm...the ACX manual (at least the German version) states very clearly he's a guy, so there's little to guess about it.

    To me, he's just a kid. A bit androgynous maybe. I still wouldn't allow him to take part in the outdoor-disco-nights with Deirdre, so he can experiment with the differences. That's way past bedtime for him...


    • #3
      The manual and game state that he is a boy.

      However, the credits show clearly that a female voice was used for his voiceovers. That, combined with the fact that his facial portrait looks nothing like a young boy and more like an adult woman (albeit very strange) convinces me that Firaxis purposefully made or changed him to be a young boy prophet.

      This may have been for reasons of sensationalism, or of cheap character thrills.

      Either way, I don't like him and strive to capture him as early as I can. We'll see how his "holy divine vision" fares against good ol' down-to-earth weapons.

      "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.[br][br]Homepage[br][br](Shared.)
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #4
        I'm not clear on the gender but I'd sure like a word with his/her/its fashion consultant.


        • #5
          Well, perhaps it is both? Or so they intended ...

          I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
          LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


          • #6
            In any case, I find his character the least believable and engaging of all. I look forward to seeing his torture sequence, A) because I'm interested to see if he's smaller than all the rest, and B) whether or not he'll have a woman's cry of pain or a man's.

            I have strange interests.

            "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.

            Homepage (Shared)
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #7
              Seeing Cha Dawn in that punishment sphere just brings a tear to my eye. I can't stand the little bastard no matter what sex IT is. I don't recall whether the scream is male or female, though.

              I realize the manual states that Cha Dawn is a boy, but IT sure looks like a girl to me.


              • #8
                Torturing a little, helpless boy just to analyze his scream: If I hadn't known that Alinestra was obsessed with Yang before, I sure know it now. I can already see the entry in the datalinks:

                "As I read the accustic frequency wave of Cha Dawn's scream on the graphic equalizer, I realized once more that pain is merely a sensory input that results in air compression as output. The laws of cause and effect rule the human body even at the point of imminent death."
                --Chairwoman Alinestra Yang.

                Just to spoil your fun, I loaded funboy.wve directly from the explorer: He's as big as all the other folks in the P-sphere, and he sound very male.
                [This message has been edited by joer (edited May 20, 2000).]

