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Archive: Our Guiding Principle

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  • Archive: Our Guiding Principle

    Our Guiding Principle:

    And when at last it is time for the transition from megacorporation to planetary government, from entrepreneur to emperor, it is then that the true genius of our strategy shall become apparent, for energy is the lifeblood of this society and when the chips are down he who controls the energy supply controls Planet. In former times the energy monopoly was called "The Power Company"; we intend to give this name an entirely new meaning.

    CEO Nwabudike Morgan - Address to the Board

    Our guiding principle should be the economic liberation of Planet.

    Are we shooting for an econ victory?

    That would be kind of neat - with transcendence as a fall back. We need to get to Planetary economics anyway (enables Economic Victory) to get the Ascetic Virtues, almost a must for Morgan

    econ victory would be kewl, but we would need strong protections: probes can steal gold, and with the datalinks evrybody can follow our energy reserves. But it would be very morganite to buy all of the planet

    As cool as an economic victory would be, I highly doubt we could achieve it. It's costly enough in SP. In MP it's just going to be massive. We'd never get enough, even with Morgan cashflow.

    Unless we have already basicaly achived total domination of the Planet and can acumulate the nessary Credits at our leasure. At that point though you might as well go for Transendence as theirs no one to stop you from doing that either and your likly very close to it as well (and theirs no 20 year waiting period). If we were in that kind of position I think doing an economic victory would be cool and I would like to go for it rather then Trancendance. It will all come down to our standing in the game we need to "win" in a general sense of bing far ahead of everyone else on the power graph and after that the actualy "method" of victory is rather optional.

    -- Fear is the Mind Killer