Golden age pop booming demands at least 50% talents in a base, +2 nuts over existing requirements and no drones. This is the basics, and it's fairly easy to do with 20-30% psych, a rec commons and the odd doctor/other specialist as needed.
The problem comes when b-drones come into the equation. Since a base will only use size*2 psych, a size 3 base with 3 initial drones will use 6 psych max. Thats enough to turn one citizen to a talent, but only then to pacify one. Sure the base doesn't riot but still no golden age
I propose then, that should we fail to grab the HGP (Which seems likely I fear), we produce a CP at any odd size to add back into the base when it has grown. For example:
Consider a base with a hab complex, Childrens creche, unlimitied psych (For simplicities sake) and a rec commons, running demo at size 3. Citizens Talent, Citizen Citizen. No GA. Nutrients filling up. At the time when there will be enough nuts next turn to go from size 2-3 (18 I think) a CP is bought.
Next turn, the base shrinks to size 2, then immediatly grows to size 3 again. CP produced. CP added to base, size 4. CP started again, rushed to 10 mins to be rushed completely next turn.
No GA growth next turn, CP rushed to completion.
GA growth + CP built, size 4->3->4. Still in GA. CP added to base (size 5-TTCCC), new CP started and rushed to 10 min.
Still in GA growth from last turn, now grows 5-6 dispite not being in GA at size 5. GA continues from TTTCCC. CP rushed to completion.
This pattern continues. If we miss the HGP then we'll spend 67e.c. to rush to 10 (this assumes no min production carry over. I really hope we have some because 67 is VERY expensive. That also assumes were running wealth which seems likely). and potentially 48 more to finish the CP assuming no min production from the base. That means 115e.c cost per two pop points. The actual figure should be somewhat lower, probably 50-70e.c. per 2 pop points. Hopefully that highlights the importance of the HGP, or failing that, a lot of cash!
Good sequence, Chaunk, I'll have to practice it. But I do think we can get HGP.
Kody was a great strategist for the Hive in ACDG2 (the current one), and here's a post of his on another GA boom sequence (they had HGP and VW):
It was found that you need to build the children’s creche first, as the growth bonus doesn’t work for golden age booming the turn it’s built. However, the children’s creche can work instantly to produce growth by cutting 2 columns from the nutrient bars.
So the trick for fast efficient growth from size 3 to size 7 for the hive was. When base is size 3 and has enough food stored that if a children’s creche is built it grows immediately to size 4 then start the following procedure. (assuming VW and HGP)
Turn -1:
* shuffle crawlers/rush buy a little so 10 mineral carry over.
Turn 0:
* base has enough nutrients that if children’s creche is built it will grow to size 4.
* rush children’s creche, add crawlers so 10 mineral carry over next turn.
* set 2 doctors
* base size currently 3 (No food is required as the base doesn’t eat when growing this way)
Turn 1:
* children’s creche is built, base grows to size 4 as a result
* 2 doctors causes 2 talents, golden age growth happens before psych calculation, base enters golden age. (important as 1 turn lag in golden age booming)
* rush buy network node
* base size currently 4 (need +2 food)
Turn 2:
* golden age growth to size 5, (2 doctors, 2 talents, 1 worker)
* network node is built, VW causes 50% more psych due to node, (2 doctors 3 talents)
* base stays in golden age
* set 3 doctors, 2 talents
* base size currently 5 (need +2 food)
Turn 3:
* base grows again
* stays in golden age as 3 doctors 3 talents
* unset all doctors, use specialists to gain labs.
* base size currently 6 (need +2 food)
Turn 4:
* base grows again to size 7
* drops out of golden age
The way bases were chosen for pop booming was according to the way b-drones would appear. You see we didn’t want to delay base planting while pop booming. So we figured out exactly where the b-drones would appear and planned for bases to finish booming to size 7 when b-drones would appear from our next base plant.
Golden age pop booming demands at least 50% talents in a base, +2 nuts over existing requirements and no drones. This is the basics, and it's fairly easy to do with 20-30% psych, a rec commons and the odd doctor/other specialist as needed.
The problem comes when b-drones come into the equation. Since a base will only use size*2 psych, a size 3 base with 3 initial drones will use 6 psych max. Thats enough to turn one citizen to a talent, but only then to pacify one. Sure the base doesn't riot but still no golden age
I propose then, that should we fail to grab the HGP (Which seems likely I fear), we produce a CP at any odd size to add back into the base when it has grown. For example:
Consider a base with a hab complex, Childrens creche, unlimitied psych (For simplicities sake) and a rec commons, running demo at size 3. Citizens Talent, Citizen Citizen. No GA. Nutrients filling up. At the time when there will be enough nuts next turn to go from size 2-3 (18 I think) a CP is bought.
Next turn, the base shrinks to size 2, then immediatly grows to size 3 again. CP produced. CP added to base, size 4. CP started again, rushed to 10 mins to be rushed completely next turn.
No GA growth next turn, CP rushed to completion.
GA growth + CP built, size 4->3->4. Still in GA. CP added to base (size 5-TTCCC), new CP started and rushed to 10 min.
Still in GA growth from last turn, now grows 5-6 dispite not being in GA at size 5. GA continues from TTTCCC. CP rushed to completion.
This pattern continues. If we miss the HGP then we'll spend 67e.c. to rush to 10 (this assumes no min production carry over. I really hope we have some because 67 is VERY expensive. That also assumes were running wealth which seems likely). and potentially 48 more to finish the CP assuming no min production from the base. That means 115e.c cost per two pop points. The actual figure should be somewhat lower, probably 50-70e.c. per 2 pop points. Hopefully that highlights the importance of the HGP, or failing that, a lot of cash!
Good sequence, Chaunk, I'll have to practice it. But I do think we can get HGP.
Kody was a great strategist for the Hive in ACDG2 (the current one), and here's a post of his on another GA boom sequence (they had HGP and VW):
It was found that you need to build the children’s creche first, as the growth bonus doesn’t work for golden age booming the turn it’s built. However, the children’s creche can work instantly to produce growth by cutting 2 columns from the nutrient bars.
So the trick for fast efficient growth from size 3 to size 7 for the hive was. When base is size 3 and has enough food stored that if a children’s creche is built it grows immediately to size 4 then start the following procedure. (assuming VW and HGP)
Turn -1:
* shuffle crawlers/rush buy a little so 10 mineral carry over.
Turn 0:
* base has enough nutrients that if children’s creche is built it will grow to size 4.
* rush children’s creche, add crawlers so 10 mineral carry over next turn.
* set 2 doctors
* base size currently 3 (No food is required as the base doesn’t eat when growing this way)
Turn 1:
* children’s creche is built, base grows to size 4 as a result
* 2 doctors causes 2 talents, golden age growth happens before psych calculation, base enters golden age. (important as 1 turn lag in golden age booming)
* rush buy network node
* base size currently 4 (need +2 food)
Turn 2:
* golden age growth to size 5, (2 doctors, 2 talents, 1 worker)
* network node is built, VW causes 50% more psych due to node, (2 doctors 3 talents)
* base stays in golden age
* set 3 doctors, 2 talents
* base size currently 5 (need +2 food)
Turn 3:
* base grows again
* stays in golden age as 3 doctors 3 talents
* unset all doctors, use specialists to gain labs.
* base size currently 6 (need +2 food)
Turn 4:
* base grows again to size 7
* drops out of golden age
The way bases were chosen for pop booming was according to the way b-drones would appear. You see we didn’t want to delay base planting while pop booming. So we figured out exactly where the b-drones would appear and planned for bases to finish booming to size 7 when b-drones would appear from our next base plant.