Chat Summary for those who do not have time to read everything:
1. We hope that everybody could be more initiative and more responsible. If you agree to do something, please remember to do it. We understand people may be busy and sometimes forget to do things that you promise to do, but please try harder to help out.
2. What we are aiming for: Tech via diplomacy and faster tech rate through specialist which are achieved through pop booming.
Actuall Chat Transcript for those who has a heart for details and spamming:
John: hi
HongHu: hi John!
John: I think I remembered everything
HongHu: from?
John: from all the ACDG stuff I need to do
HongHu: oh wow
HongHu: you know I can never memorize stuff
HongHu: sometime I read stuff
John: well I forget stuff too
HongHu: and then it leaves an impression
HongHu: but I forgot about all the details
John: umm since I'm the only one writing all the things + details
HongHu: I know
HongHu: it's like you remember the roads better if you drive to a place
HongHu: but don't if you are the passenger
John: yep
John: I find it strange that everyone says, do screenshots, do turn chats
John: but nobody is willing to post them
HongHu: hmmm
John: in fact people keep leaving the turn chats
HongHu: we had one yesterday do you think it shold be posted?
John: which one
HongHu: not a turn chat but I suppose there were some discussions
HongHu: I mean the CC one
John: we had about 4 or 5 I think
John: well I had 4 of 5
HongHu: yes it was my oversight
HongHu: I was busy in carrying out what we decided
John: oh that's okay
HongHu: and didn't have time to do other things actually I just forgot to do it
HongHu: but I still have them and could post them
John: nah it was more important to carry out the outcome
HongHu: would it be better if we post summarize of a chat
HongHu: this way people don't need to read long chats but still know what has been discussed
HongHu: I've actually stopped reading every chat that are posted
HongHu: since the format thing
John: what annoys me is people telling me to do something while they walk away without doing anything themselves.
HongHu: and plus I've been kind of busy
HongHu: yea
HongHu: that's bad
HongHu: sometimes they may simply forgot?
HongHu: I try to do what I was supposed to do but sometimes was delayed
HongHu: too much chat actually used up the available time lol
HongHu: I still need to look at this turn
John: I can't remember when you didn't do something
HongHu: and do my report and respond to CC's question about whether PEACE infiltrated them
John: It takes someone to repeatively not do things before I start remembering.
HongHu: sigh I know
John: I as far as I recall you usually get things done.
HongHu: well I just don't want to see that you are the only person who does everything
HongHu: I try to help as much as I can
HongHu: but I know it is not enough
HongHu: maybe I should help you bug people to do things to
John: no you do your share of the work
HongHu: too
John: that is enough
John: bugging people to do things is the hardest thing
John: and I'm not sure it works
HongHu: I'll have to look at the turn late tonight
John: because they start expecting you to bug them
HongHu: after I finish my database thing
John: *nod*
HongHu: yea
HongHu: well I don't know
John: I actually have high confidence that you can handle the cycon situation
HongHu: I just thought that if I was appointed to be the CC ambassordar I should take the initiative
HongHu: and so I did
John: yeah that's been great
HongHu: and the Chairman told them we didn't have an ambassordar lol
HongHu: so maybe I had been taking too much of an initiative lol
John: the chairman tends to let things run themselves
HongHu: yes
John: and I think the chairman forgot you were appointed
HongHu: lol I think so too
HongHu: well sometimes the level of maturity is different
John: maturity is knowing that you need to do work before ACDG
HongHu: lol
HongHu: that maturity I lack
John: me too I think
HongHu: well knowing that I need to do work before game
HongHu: just don't do it lol
HongHu: until I was forced
HongHu: I try to tell me everyday now that I really need to do that
John: *nod*
HongHu: it's pretty hard though
HongHu: I was simply too much drawn to it
HongHu: the game
HongHu: it was the people I think
HongHu: actually
John: it's definiately the people
HongHu: yes
John: the annoying part for me is that I know the hive game will fall apart if I stop
HongHu: yes definitely
John: we would have university like delays with playing our turns
HongHu: not even one person would be able to carry on what you are doing right now
John: and we would develop at half the speed
HongHu: definitely
John: well I'm not even sure people know what we're aiming for
HongHu: lol
HongHu: I'm sure they know we want victory
HongHu: lol
HongHu: but other than that
John: atm we're aiming for techs
John: and specalists
John: basically we're aiming for tech via diplomancy and faster tech rate
HongHu: well see if you ask me today what tech we are aiming
HongHu: I think I have an idea
HongHu: but may not have a full understanding myself
John: and we get faster tech rate by specialists
John: and specialists are achieved by pop booming
HongHu: I do think I understand this strategy though
HongHu: now I think maybe I need to post this part
HongHu: if only as a reminder to people what we are after
John: heh
HongHu: don't know if they like to see what we complaint earlier though
HongHu: lol
HongHu: I'm doing my database right now
John: okay
John: well goodluck
HongHu: I'll perhaps do more later tonight
HongHu: well it's a long process
HongHu: but I like doing it
John: *nod*
John: that always helps
HongHu: yes definitely for me
HongHu: if I don't like to do something it is really hard to get it done
HongHu: otherwise no problem
John: yeah
HongHu: ok anyway
HongHu: ttyl then
John: yeah to work
John: cya
1. We hope that everybody could be more initiative and more responsible. If you agree to do something, please remember to do it. We understand people may be busy and sometimes forget to do things that you promise to do, but please try harder to help out.
2. What we are aiming for: Tech via diplomacy and faster tech rate through specialist which are achieved through pop booming.
Actuall Chat Transcript for those who has a heart for details and spamming:
John: hi
HongHu: hi John!
John: I think I remembered everything
HongHu: from?
John: from all the ACDG stuff I need to do
HongHu: oh wow
HongHu: you know I can never memorize stuff
HongHu: sometime I read stuff
John: well I forget stuff too
HongHu: and then it leaves an impression
HongHu: but I forgot about all the details
John: umm since I'm the only one writing all the things + details
HongHu: I know
HongHu: it's like you remember the roads better if you drive to a place
HongHu: but don't if you are the passenger
John: yep
John: I find it strange that everyone says, do screenshots, do turn chats
John: but nobody is willing to post them
HongHu: hmmm
John: in fact people keep leaving the turn chats
HongHu: we had one yesterday do you think it shold be posted?
John: which one
HongHu: not a turn chat but I suppose there were some discussions
HongHu: I mean the CC one
John: we had about 4 or 5 I think
John: well I had 4 of 5
HongHu: yes it was my oversight
HongHu: I was busy in carrying out what we decided
John: oh that's okay
HongHu: and didn't have time to do other things actually I just forgot to do it
HongHu: but I still have them and could post them
John: nah it was more important to carry out the outcome
HongHu: would it be better if we post summarize of a chat
HongHu: this way people don't need to read long chats but still know what has been discussed
HongHu: I've actually stopped reading every chat that are posted
HongHu: since the format thing
John: what annoys me is people telling me to do something while they walk away without doing anything themselves.
HongHu: and plus I've been kind of busy
HongHu: yea
HongHu: that's bad
HongHu: sometimes they may simply forgot?
HongHu: I try to do what I was supposed to do but sometimes was delayed
HongHu: too much chat actually used up the available time lol
HongHu: I still need to look at this turn
John: I can't remember when you didn't do something
HongHu: and do my report and respond to CC's question about whether PEACE infiltrated them
John: It takes someone to repeatively not do things before I start remembering.
HongHu: sigh I know
John: I as far as I recall you usually get things done.
HongHu: well I just don't want to see that you are the only person who does everything
HongHu: I try to help as much as I can
HongHu: but I know it is not enough
HongHu: maybe I should help you bug people to do things to
John: no you do your share of the work
HongHu: too
John: that is enough
John: bugging people to do things is the hardest thing
John: and I'm not sure it works
HongHu: I'll have to look at the turn late tonight
John: because they start expecting you to bug them
HongHu: after I finish my database thing
John: *nod*
HongHu: yea
HongHu: well I don't know
John: I actually have high confidence that you can handle the cycon situation
HongHu: I just thought that if I was appointed to be the CC ambassordar I should take the initiative
HongHu: and so I did
John: yeah that's been great
HongHu: and the Chairman told them we didn't have an ambassordar lol
HongHu: so maybe I had been taking too much of an initiative lol
John: the chairman tends to let things run themselves
HongHu: yes
John: and I think the chairman forgot you were appointed
HongHu: lol I think so too
HongHu: well sometimes the level of maturity is different
John: maturity is knowing that you need to do work before ACDG
HongHu: lol
HongHu: that maturity I lack
John: me too I think
HongHu: well knowing that I need to do work before game
HongHu: just don't do it lol
HongHu: until I was forced
HongHu: I try to tell me everyday now that I really need to do that
John: *nod*
HongHu: it's pretty hard though
HongHu: I was simply too much drawn to it
HongHu: the game
HongHu: it was the people I think
HongHu: actually
John: it's definiately the people
HongHu: yes
John: the annoying part for me is that I know the hive game will fall apart if I stop
HongHu: yes definitely
John: we would have university like delays with playing our turns
HongHu: not even one person would be able to carry on what you are doing right now
John: and we would develop at half the speed
HongHu: definitely
John: well I'm not even sure people know what we're aiming for
HongHu: lol
HongHu: I'm sure they know we want victory
HongHu: lol
HongHu: but other than that
John: atm we're aiming for techs
John: and specalists
John: basically we're aiming for tech via diplomancy and faster tech rate
HongHu: well see if you ask me today what tech we are aiming
HongHu: I think I have an idea
HongHu: but may not have a full understanding myself
John: and we get faster tech rate by specialists
John: and specialists are achieved by pop booming
HongHu: I do think I understand this strategy though
HongHu: now I think maybe I need to post this part
HongHu: if only as a reminder to people what we are after
John: heh
HongHu: don't know if they like to see what we complaint earlier though
HongHu: lol
HongHu: I'm doing my database right now
John: okay
John: well goodluck
HongHu: I'll perhaps do more later tonight
HongHu: well it's a long process
HongHu: but I like doing it
John: *nod*
John: that always helps
HongHu: yes definitely for me
HongHu: if I don't like to do something it is really hard to get it done
HongHu: otherwise no problem
John: yeah
HongHu: ok anyway
HongHu: ttyl then
John: yeah to work
John: cya