High up in the clouds, a shape began to appear. It took but a few years to create, and all that lived beneath it marvelled at their achievement. It seemed to float there, a hub of excitement and activity, serene and beautiful. And as the people sat at watched this thing of beauty in the sky, they did not know for what purpose it had been built. The wars were in far off lands. But behind the glossy façade, the miraculous nature of this flying structure, lay a darker, deadly secret. Alcoholism.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you:
The Recreation Commons – Eighth Floor: The Cloudbase Drinking Academy

Artist’s rendition
Let us laugh, sing, drink and be merry, amid the clouds and planes of the sky. Let us feast on the chef’s special and we feast our eyes on the glory of Planet below, as we climb every higher into the sky. Now on the 8th floor of our great wonder.

Drinking songs have included lines such as:
“And we all went to heaven in a littlerowboat plane”

As the merry men (and lady) of the Rec Commons try to catch the lesser spotted Japanese Schoolgirl.

And lastly, the start of the show:

If alcohol be the food of love, drink up!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you:
The Recreation Commons – Eighth Floor: The Cloudbase Drinking Academy

Artist’s rendition
Let us laugh, sing, drink and be merry, amid the clouds and planes of the sky. Let us feast on the chef’s special and we feast our eyes on the glory of Planet below, as we climb every higher into the sky. Now on the 8th floor of our great wonder.

Drinking songs have included lines such as:
“And we all went to heaven in a little

As the merry men (and lady) of the Rec Commons try to catch the lesser spotted Japanese Schoolgirl.

And lastly, the start of the show:

If alcohol be the food of love, drink up!
