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Civilization Succession Game
2800 - 2400 BC
After the ten-day-waiting period has once more expired, we move on to the next installment of this DAR ... er ... I mean Succession Game. It says "Succession Game" in the thread title, so it has to be one, right?
2800 BC
- As indicated in the previous post, production in Carthage is switched from granary to settlers.
2780 BC
- Writing is discovered. Research continues towards Code of Laws as a stepping stone towards more efficient forms of government.
- A Babylonian phalanx appears in the west of Cathage. The settlers unit in Carthage is rushed for 52 gold to make contact with the Babylonians next turn.
- Next research goal is Ceremonial Burial.
2760 BC
- We trade Writing and Masonry for Code of Laws and Currency to Hammurabi (2 advisors), but refuse to give up the Wheel. Rome and Babylon make peace.
- The new settler unit from Carthage leaves for the yet unclaimed territory west of Carthage passing the Babylonian unit on its march. Carthage itself starts training another phalanx.
2680 BC
- Having explored the lands north of Caesarea (lots of swamp, but also a gold mine and a fishing tile), that city's phalanx garrison returns home.
- We trade the Wheel and Currency for Mapmaking and Ceremonial Burial to the Indians. (Our research costs had already increased significantly after our trade with the Babylonians and we had not yet invested that much into Ceremonial Burial.)
2660 BC
- Next research goal is Monarchy.
- Nicopolis is founded south of Rome (to be precise it's founded exactly southwest of the phalanx unit that you can see on VJ's screenie). It has sea access to the southwest.
2640 BC
- Byzantium is founded on the river west of Carthage. It does not gain resources from the city square itself, but it has two river tiles with resources as well as horses and a coal mine in its radius.
2620 BC
- Alexander and Ramesses (they both have two advisors now) call and demand Mapmaking and Ceremonial Burial respectively. We refuse.
- An exploring phalanx meets Napoleon (1 advisor) in the far south of Byzantium. We make peace.
2540 BC
- Settlers from Caesarea found Brundisium in the north (two grasslands with resources, 2 forests, gold, fish, rest is ocean and swamp). Northern expansion is complete.
2400 BC
We now have six cities, building either garrison units or settlers. Roads exist near Rome, but the rest of the empire needs terrain improvement. Monarchy is coming up, but will be probably to early to switch. Rome itself is about to build a first diplomat which I plan to send west to find the Indian and Babylonian capitals.
Who is next?Attached FilesLast edited by Verrucosus; October 16, 2006, 17:46.
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3200 - 2800 BC
Having a low workload this weekend, I couldn't resist from playing another turnset.
3200 BC - After the catastrophic ending of his first term of office, Verrucosus decides to take a more cautious approach this time. Preferring now to err on the side of caution, he order Caesarea to raise a phalanx unit before sending out more settlers. As suggested by his revered predecessor, he sends the existing phalanx to the forest in the southeast of Rome to block further incursions by Greeks and Egyptians.
3180 BC - Rome sends out settlers to found a new city on the river in the southwest. An Indian phalanx appears in the west, so the Caesarea phalanx is rushed.
3160 BC - The Caesarea phalanx moves out to meet the Indians. Gandhi (accompanied by one advisor) tries to extort Masonry, but makes peace after we refuse to give it up.
3140 BC - Rome gains the option of offensive warfare as our wise men discover the secrets of the Wheel. The next research goal is Writing.
3100 BC
- As proposed by VJ, Carthage is founded two tiles south of "the Mountain". Unfortunately the city square itself does not produce resources, but in the city radius there are four river squares with resources. Carthage is a possible site for a science city, so it starts building the Colossus.
- Another Egyptian militia appears in the east and fortifies behind the Greeks.
3040 BC - Rome builds a phalanx that is sent to protect Carthage.
3000 BC - After passing his Civ quiz, Verrucosus is informed that the Barbarians are back! A legion has appeared two tiles north of Caesarea. The Caesarea phalanx that had held position to block the Indians moves back into the town. Once more the Senate approves a temporary tax increase.
2980 BC - The Barbarian legion moves south and is joined by a leader.
2960 BC - The phalanx sent from Rome reaches Carthage and is homed there. It moves on to do some exploring in the southwest.
2940 BC
- The Barbarian attack on Caesarea fails. The Barbarian leader escapes.
- The Egyptians offer Pottery for Trade. I accept, but they take the Wheel rather than Bronze Working (as I had hoped).
- Production in Carthage is switched from Colossus to granary.
- Taxes are down to 20 % again (+1 gold per turn).
2900 BC - Rome trains another phalanx which moves to the north for exploration.
2880 BC - Caesarea sends out settlers to finish the road to Rome.
2820 BC - Civil disorder erupts in Rome as it reaches a population of 3. An entertainer is charged to calm the people and the Caesarea garrison moves swiftly along the now finished road to quell the riots permanently. (Of course, I should have anticipated the riots. ... To much Civ4, I suppose.)
2800 BC - The phalanx from Caesarea takes control of Rome. The entertainer is discharged.
Points for discussion:
- The pottery trade may have been a mistake. Ramesses is supposed to be "civilized", so he should have taken Bronze Working or Masonry in preference of the Wheel, but if the Egyptians already had both, he had not other choice. Let's just hope he doesn't sell it to Alexander.
- Speaking of the Greeks, our original phalanx has been fortified for some time now next to the Greek militia. Isn't it surprising that they haven't talked to us yet?
- Exploration has revealed nice sites in the north (gold and fish) and in the west (coal, river, horses). The next turnset may well see another phase of expansion. Both Rome and Caesarea are building settlers and I have half a mind to switch production in Carthage to claim that nice city spot in the west before Gandhi does. (Sorry, I still don't know how to make screenies.)
Anyway, now that we've got this game going, I hope that VJ or someone else will be interested in continuing.Attached FilesLast edited by Verrucosus; September 23, 2006, 16:57.
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Ahh ... Roman settlers beating the odds and defending their native soil against the Barbarian onslaught. This is the stuff that legends are made of. All hail VJ Caesar!
I just downloaded the save and saw that you didn't even have to sell the palace. (I was uncertain about it, because you'd mentioned "rushing" a settler and I'd thought you meant rush-building rather than rushing back to Rome.)
I agree with both the recommended new city site (let's hope it will have a shield) and the phalanx move. Exploration will keep us busy for a while.
Any thoughts on research? I think that, once we're done with the Wheel, we'll have the military advances we need at this point and should do something for the economy.
Good to see that we can have screenshots. How did you make them, VJ? Do I need DosBox for that?
Again, many thanks for saving Rome and this game!
So, who is next?Last edited by Verrucosus; September 22, 2006, 04:12.
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3580 BC - 3200 BC
Civilization for DOS can easily be played under Windows XP by DOSBox.
I rushed a settler, made peace treaty with the Egyptians, and defended Rome with this only unit of mine. What do you know -- only one barbarian cavalry unit closed in for a kill. It lost. Later on another barbarian which had roamed the lands to the west tried to attack, but I had already rushed a phalanx and the cavalry lost.
With a settler in my city and the Egyptian AI having no idea what unit was in my seemingly defended city, I had no problems signing a peace treaty with Ramses. The Egyptian Militia decided to go with the "lol let's start camping" AI routine and fortified on the tile SE of Rome. Almost immediately after, a Greek militia came behind it and fortified to the W of the Egyptian militia. I went around with my Phalanx and met the Greeks. Alexander was cautious, he only had one advisor with him (Ramses had three). We formed a peace treaty. Both units came from a narrow peninsula on the E, so I presume both civilizations have their homes there and we therefore have a little opposition to the South. Even better, since the two nations' militias are guarding each other and ensuring zone of control problems for both of them, neither of them poses an immigration problem in the future.
After my Settler had defended itself from a barbarian Cavalry attack, I therefore decided to build a city to the W or N (Militias block eastward expansion). Since we had gone with Bronze Working and were working on The Wheel, I figured we could use more production capacity in the future, just in case of a military buildup. I therefore went and built a city called Caesarea next to the shield-rich Game special terrain.
Before that, I also built some roads.
I recommend that we'll park our phalanx to the S of that Greek militia, to stop them from building cities or just snooping around the area to the S.
On next turn, we'll get a Settler from Rome. We could build a city on an already seen sweet spot on either S, SW or W,; or we could try to search for a new one with perhaps more special from the N. I recommend we build our third city on a river exactly two tiles to the south of that mountain three tiles south of Caesarea. We already have two harbour cities with a potentially good shield input so sea access isn't vital, and we could avoid wasted tiles in the middle of our cities by at the same time building a good zone of control chokepoint in order to keep an eye on our possible future enemies to the far west.
After that, we could explore and possibly expand northwards a little. If Alexander decides to own Egyptians while we're doing that, it's time to expanding eastwards with our early Chariots, built by our 4 cities.
Or if we meet Babylonians to the N, we could slaughter them easily and assimilate their cities into our great Empire. Yum, the well-developed and poorly defended Babylon with it's 3 inhabitants under our control...
Save files are contained within this RAR file (16.2kB):Attached FilesLast edited by RGBVideo; September 21, 2006, 11:15.
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I wanted to step down in 3980 BC, honest! I couldn't know that noone else wanted my job, could I? It's a really fine job. You can call yourself "Caesar", you get the best hut in town and there are all kinds of other perks that I prefer to leave unmentioned. Anyway, after none of the senators was willing to take up the post, I decided to rule for another 400 years. That would show them! So, despite the distinct feeling that I'm posting behind closed doors, here is the second chapter of Roman history.
Rome, 3980 - 3580 BC
3900 BC - The first Roman military unit, a militia is formed. I decided against building another settler right from the start to explore the rest of the city radius and the immediate surroundings and provide a minimal defense. This is Civ1 and unlike those fluffy-bunny-opponents in the later versions of the game, the Civ1 AI will not make peace with an unoccupied city.
3820 BC - Our wise men discover the secrets of Bronze Working. Meanwhile another look at the top-city-list reveals that the Chinese and the Babylonians are playing. For the moment, it appears as though we're in for a friendly game: no Mongols, no Zulus ... of course, Alexander could still show up, so I move on to research the Wheel just in case.
3680 BC - Our militia enters a tribal village. The tribe shares its knowledge of Masonry. Athens appears on the top-cities-screen.
3600 BC - The first settler unit leaves Rome to settle new territory. Our exploration has revealed a number of grasslands with resources, a forest with game and a coastline in the northwest and another river in the west. Unfortunately our militia's visit to another village three tiles southwest from Rome causes three Barbarian cavalry units to appear ... this doesn't look good. Rome is without defense, its production box and the treasury are empty. The tax rate is immediately set to 100 % in the small hope that we might be able to rush something.
3580 BC - Our militia is defeated by the Barbarians. They don't move directly towards Rome, but all three units can reach Rome within two turns. Just to make this catastrophe complete, an Egyptian militia appears in the east. It can also reach Rome in two turns.
Hmmm, difficult situation, but ... wouldn't you know it? ... my 400 years are up. Too bad! Well, I'm sure my successor will deal with the situation.
Points for discussion:
- It was a serious mistake to visit those villages before building a second unit. I didn't intend to wreck the game, but that's exactly what seems to have happened.
- As a desperate measure, we could sell the palace and rush a phalanx unit. This will be a nightmare for our economy, but we have Masonry and can rebuild it.
- If we don't sell the palace, we are unable to rush a garrison. In that case the settler unit that I have moved to the north needs to be moved back to Rome to allow us to negotiate with the Egyptians. Maybe the Egyptians will fortify their militia in the southeast of Rome and absorb some of the Barbarians.
Who wants to be Caesar and either save Rome in its hour of peril or witness its premature fall and be part of the shortest succession game ever? (In any event, the drama of "De bello Gallico" will pale when compared to that of the next turnlog. Oh ... and the Civ1 "game over" screen is really nice!)Attached Files
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Since the original Civilization does not allow the game to be saved in 4000 BC, I have taken the liberty to play the first turn.
We have received no starting technologies and no second settler. The starting position is reasonable, so I have founded Rome on the very first turn.
Rome is located on a coastal grassland tile with a shield. There is a river south of the city. One of the river squares provides a shield and is worked by our citizens. There are several plains squares in the west of the city that need irrigation.
I have set the science rate to 100 %. There's no need for money at the moment and science costs double in 1 AD. My successors may want to raise taxes once we have need for rushing constructions.
A first glimpse at the Top-City-list reveals that the Egyptians and the Indians are playing.
That's it. Who wants to be Caesar?Attached FilesLast edited by Verrucosus; September 10, 2006, 16:13.
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Fasti Capitolini
The Principes of Rome:
4000 BC - 3580 BC Verrucosus
3580 BC - 3200 BC VJ
3200 BC - 1200 BC Verrucosus
1200 BC - 800 BC ???Last edited by Verrucosus; December 9, 2006, 14:20.
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Technical Notes:
This game is played with the DOS version of the original Civilization. I have upgraded my own game to the most recent version (v.5). The patch is available on the Civ1 section of this site.
Personally, I have no problem running the game under Windows XP with the exception of the sound setting. The game is intolerably slow with any sound setting except "IBM sounds" (even with "no sound"). Well, it only adds to the nostalgia.
Civ1 games are saved in two files, an sve- and a map-file. You cannot choose the filename. Apart from the slots for automatic saves every 50 turns, there are only four slots for manual saves. These are named civil0, civil1, etc. In order to avoid confusion I suggest to zip the two files to be posted and to rename the zip file so that it shows the year of the save.
I have no idea how to make screenshots under Civ1. If there's an easy way, I'd be keen to learn it. In many cases, a screenshot can tell more than the best turnlog.Last edited by Verrucosus; September 11, 2006, 12:34.
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Civilization Succession Game
I have recently been introduced to the joys of succession games by vovan's thread in the Civ4 forums and I thought I might start one for the original Civilization. I don't have any illusions about the level of participation to expect in this quiet corner of the forums, but maybe I can tempt some people to pay homage to the game that started all this madness. Whether you played the original Civilization in its heydey or not, this is the chance to see what it would have been like if Apolyton had been around at the time.
Rules (taken and adjusted from vovan's thread)
This is a succession game. That means, that several players take turns to play as the same nation.
This game is also free for all. That means anyone can pick up the save any time and play their turns. (With reasonable restrictions, of course, as outlined below.)
That's the gist of it. More specifically, here's what you do:
1. You open this thread.
2. You find the post with the latest save, and download it.
3. You post a message here saying you are playing the turn (so that while you are doing so, somebody else doesn't get the same idea).
4. You play 20 turns in the game. (If the game gets going, we might shorten the term of office to 10 turns at some point.)
5. You save the game post the save-files and the turn log (that is, what you did, and hopefully an explanation of why you did it) here. All major devolpments should be covered, but the amount of detail and embellishment is up to you.
Additional rules and suggestions:
- You cannot play two turns in a row unless ten days have elapsed after you posted the save. (I hope it will not be necessary for someone to play twice in a row, but the option is there in case someone finds himself alone and wishes to continue the game.)
- Please treat this as you would your own baby SG. So, don't get the save and do something stupid, like declare war on everybody in a clearly losing situation.
- Use common sense and follow the general style of play set by previous players. For example, if you get a turn with a war going on, and the previous player was about to capture four enemy cities, don't just sign peace. Finish what has been started. While change of policy can be good for a nation, we don't want to tear it apart with conflicting decisions every twenty turns.
- Don't fall prey to the one-more-turn syndrome. 20 turns is all you get.
- A new city shall not be founded within two squares of an exisiting city. (This is intended to prevent an "infinite city strategy".)
- Reloading is not allowed.
We will play the Romans.
Game Setup: Random Map, 7 Civilizations, Emperor level.
Goal: Spaceship Victory prior to the release of Civ V.
The player assuming the role of "Caesar" is in complete control of the game (and unlike Roman magistrates not subject to prosecution after leaving office). Having said that, part of the fun is discussing the game situation between turnsets. To get and keep the discussion going, players are encouraged to raise "points for discussion" in their turnlogs.
VerrucosusLast edited by Verrucosus; September 10, 2006, 16:21.Tags: None
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