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Important help request!

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  • Important help request!

    I need the in-game science advisor screens from my mod (ModEX) in order to clean up the advisor screen. Because my monitor is broken and gets all screwed when changing resolutions, I can't get my own accurate sreenshots. The only catch is that I need them WITHOUT the current arrows, meaning you'll have to d/l the blank science advisor screens and replace your current advisor screens with them (BACKUP your other ones!!!) IF you can do this, I'll forever be in your debt, and will try and find some way to repay you. This is very important!

    Please help!
    [size=1]"As night fell she emerged with a box under her arm that held her pledge of allegiance and her uniform. She laid it at the gates of the General's embassy and her whisper echoed into dawn as she disappeared: The truth will set my people free."
    Visit my personal civ3 page here.