Skyscraper MOD by player1
Ver 1.11
Changes in Ver 1.11
Added more skyscrapers by replaceing some trees.
Some typos corrected.
This MOD chages some things in City View screen.
At first, in adds more skyscrapers in modern era.
Normally, there are only skyscrapers in one corner
of the city view. This MOD adds more of them by
replacing several houses with skyscrapers.
In original settings main street wasn't connected
with one of nearby streets. This MOD fixes that.
At the end, this MOD repleces two biggest skyscrapers
from Indusrial era with lower ones (they were a way
to big compared to houses of that age).
Ver 1.11
Changes in Ver 1.11
Added more skyscrapers by replaceing some trees.
Some typos corrected.
This MOD chages some things in City View screen.
At first, in adds more skyscrapers in modern era.
Normally, there are only skyscrapers in one corner
of the city view. This MOD adds more of them by
replacing several houses with skyscrapers.
In original settings main street wasn't connected
with one of nearby streets. This MOD fixes that.
At the end, this MOD repleces two biggest skyscrapers
from Indusrial era with lower ones (they were a way
to big compared to houses of that age).