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Problem with the font

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  • Problem with the font

    Anyone else had this happen? The games worked fine since the day it come out until this week. Suddenly my in game fonts started changing. First they all changed to bold, which was annoying but I put up with it thinking it was a result of modding too much. Well today they changed again, but this time to about double the size they should of been (like from a 10 to 12 they normally are to around a 16).

    I don't know what caused it, but they started spilling off of menus and whatnot. Whats worse, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, didn't change it. So I uninstalled, wiped the directory out, searched for registry entries (couldnt find any cept for the editor), and reinstalled and it still didnt fix it

    Figuring it had to be a windows setting that somehow got changed (likely when I was typing up my project paper in word 97 which has a tendancy to lockup/crash my PC once an hour at least), I used system restore and went back a full 2 weeks, then reinstalled. And bingo, the fonts are back to normal.

    Im just not sure what caused it. It wasn't the smooth fonts option mentioned when you install and in the readme, I never changed that, and even when I did to test it had no effect. Besides the fonts actually changed size and to bold, not just got jagged (they did that too), and I think but Im not sure that it may of actually changed fonts, because of the ugly scaling its hard to say for sure if it was a different font or just a bad scaling though.

    I suspose I should note that I have modified civ3mod.bic considerably, and am using snoopies graphics mod, along with a minor mod of my own to resources.pcx to make the strategic ones stand out more (I just added the city star icon to the lower right corner of each strategic resource). All of which worked for over a week before any problems though, and works fine now that I reinstalled them from backups after rolling back windows itself.

    EDIT: Also the only abnormalities my system was experiencing was the font properties in civ3.