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Question about Civ-type tag on Improvements

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  • Question about Civ-type tag on Improvements

    In the editor I notice that all the improvements can be checked as being Industrial, Commercial, Expansionist, etc, or a combination of the two. I know that on Wonders this determines what civilization types could get a golden age from building it, but what exactly does it mean for improvements? I'm assuming that if an improvement is tagged Religious that it costs less to build if your Civ is religious. I'm not at home so I can test this, so I'm wondering if someone can tell me if this is right, and if not what the truth is.

    I'm hoping it works the way I guess, because if it does I can make Expansionist a bit more useful in the later sections of the game by making certain improvements cheaper for them (though I'm not sure which I would do this with, maybe harbors and airports).