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Need help with multiplayer/firewall+router

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  • Need help with multiplayer/firewall+router

    I just upgraded civ 3 to conquests on the hope of being able to go head-to-head with a nearby buddy of mine.

    Neither of us has been able to join an actual multiplayer game even though single works fine.

    I heard it might be a firewall/router issue( I have both), but I followed the readme and opened all the ports needed on my lynksis router.

    I also forwarded the one port ( forget which) to my computer as read in a couple of random web help sites.

    I use zonelalarm ( free version) and I set internet to medium ( as also suggested) as well as, allowing gamespy and civ conquests full server access.

    This is pretty much all the advice I'd found and none seemed to have an effect.

    I run win xp home ( the xp firewall is not active ) and have a cable modem connection with roadrunner.

    My setup is my main cpu -- router---modem with a second noninvolved second cpu running off the router too.

    I could really use some help from anyone who really knows thier stuff - paying 30 bucks for this and then not getting multiplayer up is a real dissappointment.

    error is that i can go to the setup screen and go to join a game but when the game is made I am thrown back to the title civ screen where it attapmts to conatct, then that goes away and screen freezes at title - have to cntrl+alt+delete to kill civ 3 at this point.