Since we now have 8 traits, I think it would be interesting to have a mod with three traits for each civ. It's a pretty easy to make because there's no ugly pediaicons.txt editing.
However, it's a little harder to plan. I'm trying to make each civ have a unique combination, but some of them are presenting problems.
This is what I have currently. I don't think it's perfect, so any and all suggestions will be taken into consideration. This is only a first draft.
I'm not too happy with some of the civ traits. We need to figure out how to shuffle some of these around. The ones that bother me most are Mongolia and the Hittites.
However, it's a little harder to plan. I'm trying to make each civ have a unique combination, but some of them are presenting problems.
This is what I have currently. I don't think it's perfect, so any and all suggestions will be taken into consideration. This is only a first draft.
com ind exp - Americans rel exp sci - Arabs rel mil agr - Aztecs rel ind sci - Babylonians sea ind sci - Byzantines sea ind mil - Carthaginians rel exp agr - Celts ind agr sci - China sea com agr - Dutch rel ind agr - Egyptians sea com ind - English com rel ind - French ind mil sci - Germans sea com sci - Greeks com mil sci - Hittites rel ind exp - Incas com rel agr - Indians com exp agr - Iroquois com rel mil - Japanese com ind sci - Koreans rel mil sci - Mayans com mil exp - Mongols ind exp sci - Ottomans ind mil exp - Persia sea com exp - Portuguese com ind mil - Romans mil exp sci - Russians sea com rel - Spanish rel agr sci - Sumerians sea com mil - Vikings mil exp agr - Zulus Unused trait combinations: sea rel ind sea rel mil sea rel exp sea rel agr sea rel sci sea ind exp sea ind agr sea mil exp sea mil agr sea mil sci sea exp agr sea exp sci sea agr sci com rel exp com rel sci com ind agr com mil agr com exp sci com agr sci rel ind mil rel mil exp ind mil agr ind exp agr mil agr sci exp agr sci