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The precarious balance

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  • The precarious balance

    Settings: Large Terra , Sea level = Medium, Climate = Temperate

    noble, normal speed, 4 humans, 5 AI (random leaders)

    Other settings to default

    Human players (in turn order)
    SebP as Isabella
    Sir Ralph as Stalin
    Rumpo Kid as Augustus Caesar
    Claus as Louis XIV.

    Good luck everyone.

  • #2
    4000 bc sent to sir ralph


    • #3
      4000bc sent


      • #4
        Sorry about missing last night. I was so tired after work that I just went straight to bed. Any road up, 4000 sent.

        Nice start point - let's see how I can mess up this one.
        I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

        Mark Thomas


        • #5
          It finally worked - and on it goes.

          Cool starting position - more ice.


          • #6
            Do you want a restart, claus? If you see ice all around already,you probably got the real arctic start, with only the fat cross for the capital NOT ice or tundra (often with lots of seafood)? Those are workable (in Single player, anyways) but probably not fun, and i expect they are very hard to deal with in MP, at least as hard as your last start

            My starting position is good btw, but not exceptionally so

            (If i myself had drawn the ice start, i would have regen'ed and informed you about it. And perhaps i would have done the same if i started on the archipelago section the terra script sometimes creates. Anyone who doesn't want to play a start like that should voice it, in my opinion...Those are the only 2 cases that i personally would not want (i wouldn't have rerolled on a ressourceless all plains start for example))


            • #7
              Thanks for asking, but I don't mind going on.

              The problem with my October story starting position isn't mereley the ice in the North but the fact that I'm also blocked in every other direction.

              On the new map it should be less dramatic for there should be enough space to expand into. And at least the ice covers your back, so in exchange for territorial disadvantages you get some strategic security.


              • #8
                ok. 3960bc sent


                • #9
                  Sent. I received it twice btw, played the first one


                  • #10
                    I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

                    Mark Thomas


                    • #11
                      3920bc sent to Sebastian.


                      • #12
                        3920 bc sent


                        • #13
                          Whipped and beaten, 3920 slinks home to Claus.
                          I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

                          Mark Thomas


                          • #14
                            Rumpo, I'm afraid you have to resend this file. It failed the test.

                            That's really awkward - October Story works perfectly with Outlook, but the Precarious Balance file is always corrupted.


                            • #15
                              Its not a problem from my end, my ISP won't allow the game to send the saves so I have to do it manually and it doesn't make much difference to whom the saves are sent.

                              I won't have that security hole (Outlook) on my computer - you may want to try an alternative e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird.
                              I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

                              Mark Thomas

