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What Version of CIV III Represented CIV at It's Best? Vanilla? PTW? C3C?

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  • What Version of CIV III Represented CIV at It's Best? Vanilla? PTW? C3C?

    With a new expansion on the horizon that in some ways mirrors elements of Civ III's 1st expansion Play the World, let's have a discussion on the olden days for a bit.

    When C3C first came out, it received near-universal praise. Tons of new civs, new wonders, cool scenarios. However, time has not been kind to C3C, and broken elements of the game eventually came to light more clearly. I have seen quite a few veteran players recently who have said that PTW represented Civ III at it's pinnacle.

    Perhaps most famously, Civ IV beta tester Sulla wrote a lenghty article on where he believed C3C went wrong. He even went so far as to say that Vanilla Civ III was the most balanced version of the game, if not the most enjoyable.

    I personally would agree with Sulla on most of his charges and add that I didn't like the new traits either. Interestingly, PTW was not the smash hit that perhaps Firaxis would have wanted, and in fact, reviews were pretty poor. However, time has much kinder on PTW than C3C and nowadays when I play Civ III (usually when I am away from home and on the laptop), it is PTW that I fire up.

    How about the rest of you guys? What was the high water mark of Civ III?