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Noble CS slingshot

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  • Noble CS slingshot

    I am by no way a very good Civ player. I played all versions though and I read these forums quite frequently.
    Inspired by the CS-slingshot strategy thread(s), I decided to start a game of my own on noble (hey I'still learning ) as indians.
    It worked quite well indeed. I founded budhism and confucianism and was easily the first to get oracle and CS.
    In the meantime I discovered and made peace with 2 neighbours (Mao en Catherine) on my continent. Mao converted to confucianism. So I decided to make it my own state religion to gain at least one ally.
    By speeding through the tech tree I somewhat neglected the military techs though.
    I guess that was the reason, together with close borders, that Mao declared war on me .
    Luckily his chariots crashed themselves against my city defenders so I survived his attacks, but he did destroy some improvements. Seeing he didn't gain other advantages and was wasting his troops, he accepted my peace offer.
    Just before the war I did found a third city, but war delayed me from founding a fourth. I saw a barbarian city close to Catherine's borders that looked like een nice addition to my empire.
    Cathy beat me to it however and, lacking copper and horses within my borders, I began to fear I might be thoroughly screwed.
    I made it a priority to research Ironworking and discovered some iron within my borders so my worst fears were gone..
    Horses were just outside my borders on tundra terrain. Things were looking bright again .
    I made a swordsman attack force and paid Mao some retribution by taking a city with his copper source.
    It was meant to be a short pruning war, but Cathy joined Mao.
    So I had to go full scale warproduction. In the end I took all northern Chinese cities (2) and two Russian cities.
    Because of the war I couldn't develop my cities. So when Mao offered peace I accepted, and asked Catherine for peace, which she also accepted.
    I was afraid my research was stalled too much by the war. The other four contenders would maybe be ahead of me so I focussed on the path to compass.
    After getting a caravel I discovered my other rivals. 3 of them on one continent (montezuma, hatsepsut and ghengis) and Louis on a smaller continent. Ghengis and Hatsepsut hadn't founded a religion and they readily adopted confucianism. It also seemed there had been war on that continent too (not a big surprise with aztecs and mongols on one continent) Hatsepsut was way behind on the powerscale. Louis was second behind me and Catherine still third.
    Mao didn't like my borderpushing (I didn't expect him to ) and he tried to attack my closest city. Fully prepared, I first slaugtered his attackers (horsemen with a warelephant and a few swordsmen) using spearmen and longbowmen as a defensive force. Then I counterattacked with macemen as my main battleunit and took 3 cities.
    The fourth took me some more time because again Catherine tried to stab me in the back.
    She took one of her previously lost cities back before I could divert enough troops to halt her.
    Again I had to go into warproduction mode. The results were satisfying I recaptured the city and burnt one borderpushing desert city to the ground.
    Mao by now was begging for peace I accepted because after I took Bejing I wasn't interested in his remaining 2 cities.
    I was producing knights by now, but seeing Cathy having pikemen and longbowmen in her cities, I was not too sure I could push a strong attack. I decided to wait and offered peace, which Cathy gladly accepted.
    On the other continent there had been some city razing. I liked the idea of having a foothold there to divert my other rivals from my coasts. Just in case Cathy would be able to lure them into war with me.
    It took me a short period to get the techs for grenadiers and cannons.
    I realized Cathy wouln't be to far behind me, so I quickly made and upgraded some units. I even got cavalry
    My army was advanced enough now to start a war of my own. I attacked Cathy and took two of her cities, bringing her empire back to 3 cities on the continent and 1 on a distant island. She was producing grenadiers now too and my army was not big enough to push the attack.
    Montezuma, as I half expected, declared war on me. He threw wave after wave of macemen and knights against my only city on his continent and finally razed it.
    After that he declared war on Hatsepsut and went on pestering her.
    When I tried to take another of Cathy's cities I initially succeeded, but in a counter attack with riflemen, she took the city back.
    I just discovered rifling myself. but had no riflemen on the front, my grenadiers were too much weakened in the attack and my cavalry didn't stand a chance.
    I dug in for a while, building up my attack force again and discovering liberalism and industrialism in the meantime. Cathy discovered cavalry and I was glad I could counter her cossacks with my infantry and machineguns. I made peace with Montezuma
    Lots of infantry and cannons were the key to victory over Cathy on my continent. In a few turns I took her 3 cities and offered her peace. I wasn't bothered by her again for the remainder of the game
    I was culturally overpowering Mao so I saw no need to wipe out his last cities.
    A space victory was almost assured now. My technology lead and productive potential guaranteed that.
    Because Hatsepsut had been eradicated by now, there was left some room to found a new city on the other continent.
    This provoked Montezuma and Ghengis enough to keep me busy with some warring during the endgame.

    This game was quite easily won, even with agressive opponents and quite an average (maybe even bad) starting location.
    I feel my middle game could have been better, OTOH it was quite fun to play
    My next game will be on Prince, so I hope on some comments to better my gameplay.
    Adopt, Adapt and Improve