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Multiplayer woes

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  • Multiplayer woes

    This game runs fine in single player, but woe unto ye if you attempt a multiplayer game.
    Case in point: I started a multiplayer game where people were saying that their copy of civ was reporting that my copy wasn't the same version of theirs, but I'm using 1.52 and they were saying that they had 1.52 as well. I'm not using a NO-CD crack or anything like that, so I don't understand how this could be. Anywhays, we were able to get into the game, but we imediately had Out Of Synch erros, and finaly one of the players hung on us, so we voted to continue without him, but that led to the game freezing... I could move the mouse cursor, but the game wouldn't progress, the chat feature wasn't working, I couldn't alt-tab back to windows, and I literaly had to pull the power plug out of the wall socket to end the agony. Now THAT's hanging the PC, Firaxis. If your aim was to create the ultimate game-hang, then: Mission Acomplished.

    But wait, it gets better.

    I booted up again, and this time I joined a game. No game version messages this time, but once again we got Out Of Synch errors. And one again a player droped. But, this time we couldn't even finish voteing becasue one of the voters wasn't responding. No clue what heppened there, we waited for about five minutes for him to vote but nothing happened. So, we couldn't continue the game. There should be way for the game creator to boot a player if he doesn't vote in a timely fassion.

    I swear, the multiplayer for Civ4 needs some serious work. Forget about game-balancing issues for now, just make the game actualy WORK!