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The Apolyton Oracle Wonder

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  • The Apolyton Oracle Wonder

    The Apolyton Oracle Wonder:
    +100% game mechanics research output
    +5 culture per post
    Increases % chance of Apolyton becoming the Holy Forum site for Civ4

    I propose the the admins of Apolyton consider attempting to build the Apolyton Oracle Wonder. This would be a separate sub-forum of its own dedicated entirely to research on game mechanics. At the moment these discussions are split between the creation forums and the strategy forums and in both cases get intermingled with other discussions. It would be great to have a dedicated research forum tightly moderated to prevent the flame wars that are plaquing some of the research threads at the moment, for instance the threads on how difficulty levels work. We need a one stop shop for people to just read and post their observations of the game mechanics without getting sidetracked on strategy, how best to mod said mechanics or flaming each other.

    With so many new features, at the moment there's a bit of a race to uncover how maintenance works, civic upkeep calculations, the formula for inflation, the effect of difficulty levels etc etc, the list could go on for a long time. There seems to be a lack of this kind of research and discussion on Apolyton, at least compared to other sites and certainly any such discussions are hard to find in amongst everything else. We need a single place for those interested to come together and nut out what goes on under the hood of Civ 4. Once this is understood, then strategy discussion (in other sub-forums) can be much better informed and modders will have access to a lot more of the details of the game, making alterations better and more informed.

    The culture of Apolyton would benefit greatly as some of the current discussions of this kind are degenerating into personal attacks and flames. The Apolyton Oracle forums would be designated as a flame free zone for civilized members to conduct fruitful research.