this is fun scenario based on real area map of the city Stalingrad.
The map is perfect eather 1x1 multiplayer or single game. Scenario is based on MaxRigaMod, so, u must have it ( download it from THERE ).
There are only two playable nations - USSR vs NAZI Germany. Germans have military priority at the begining, so, you better hurry up your production if you play for USSR
Download scenario and see some screens you can there -
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this is fun scenario based on real area map of the city Stalingrad.
The map is perfect eather 1x1 multiplayer or single game. Scenario is based on MaxRigaMod, so, u must have it ( download it from THERE ).
There are only two playable nations - USSR vs NAZI Germany. Germans have military priority at the begining, so, you better hurry up your production if you play for USSR

enjoy your game