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  • Engineers

    I guess the idea is to help make you civilization GREAT. I was playing on a continents map and was in the bottle neck of a long and snakey continent that stretched almost the length of the map. To fight wars people had to make an open border agreement with me so that they could go through one of my cities. That made me think about making a cannal. Then I was on an islands map and there were two places where I could have placed another city but I needed jut one more tile or i had another part of my island in accessable because of a mountain. I wanted to either build a tile in the ocean or dertroy the mountain. All of these things have been done in real life. I just wanted a way to do it, in a fair manner, in Civ. I think that would surely add another demention to the game. think of how some games could be altered by allowing a ship passage that would cut the travel time in half? Or connecting your main island to a smaller one. You would then be able to let the effects of the three gorges dam spread! It should only take a modification of the worker for making cannals and destroying mountains and a modification of the work boat for filling in a coast square with land! I have NO IDEA how to program or handle Python I just know that this would ROCK!