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Religious Reformation

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  • Religious Reformation

    I was thinking about an early modern Europe scenario, although I don't have the skills to make one, and was thinking about the Reformation.

    Others have already talked about a civil war mod that would cause an empire to divide. I want a mod to cause a religious schism. It would cause a new religion to be spawned in (and only in) a city or cities where some other religion already existed. The original relgion would continue to be present in that city. Adoption of the new religion as a state religion should cause greater than normal religious tensions with states holding the original religion.

    The trigger should probably be technological. The printing press is a natural technology to trigger a schism. So could be any religious technology. Discovery of Divine Right could lead to a schism between Hinduism and Divine Right Hinduism.

    Alternatively, maybe a civ could choose to cause a schism, much like England's formation of the Anglican Church.

    Obviously the new religion would need a new holy city and a new shrine, as well as new religious buildings. Maybe some existing religious buildings 'convert' with the foundation of the new sect.

    I have no idea how to implement any of this, but I thought I'd throw the idea out to see if anyone else is interested.