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  • CvUnitController

    Has anyone tried making any changes in CvUnitController?

    I tired , but after a while of none of my changes seeming to make any difference and it was seeming like the CvUnitControlInterface.ProcessEvent() function wasn't being called, I then realised that in fact that module (which is meant to be a game/python entrypoint) wasn't being imported into my game.

    I confirmed this via the builtin python console. Also using that console I can manually import the module(s) but the process event function still isn't used.

    So I don't know if it is just something related to my game or if for some reason that module is no longer used.

    I seem to also have a problem importing new custom modules into my game so it could just be my game. But the custom modules at least give a import error in the logs, with the CvUnitControlInterface there is no error at all

    If this module is no longer used, then I'm very disappointed as a number of ideas I had required the capturing of Entity Events.
    Last edited by MW2; November 14, 2005, 10:41.