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Call to Power II: Scenario Editor


  • Call to Power II: Scenario Editor

    Scenario Editor Reference

    ( General | World | Unit | City | Empire )


    These options appear on every screen of the scenario editor

    • Select Player - Use the arrows to cycle through each player in the game. Note: this option doesn't appear on the World screen.
    • Select Region - The button with the square red line is used to select an area of terrain to be copied or cut. Click on the button and then click and drag on the game screen to select multiple tiles.
    • Erase - The pencil eraser button is used to delete units, cities and tile improvements. Bug: sometimes the Erase tool will appear raised but if you click on a tile it will still delete things. The workaround for this bug is to click the button once the first time to delete. Then when you are done, click the button twice to make it stop deleting. If you need to delete again, then press the button another two times. Alternately, you can close the Scenario Editor and reopen it to refresh the Erase tool.
    • Clear World - The globe button will transform all the tiles on the map to Shallow Water. Click this button only if you want to wipe the slate clean. Note that some land tile improvements may be left behind, which could cause problems in a saved scenario.
    • Fog of War - The eye button will toggle fog of war off, which will make all tiles on the map visible, or back on again.
    • Reload SLIC - This will refresh all SLIC data files. It is useful for debugging scripts without having to reload the game when you make a change.
    • Map Size - Changing this to another size will cause a new random map to be loaded.
    • # Players - This tells you the number of players on the map (not including Barbarians). If you need to change the number of players, use Save Map to save the map (Note: Save Map does not save everything), then start a New Game with the number of players that you want (Note: make sure you select the same map size or the saved map will not load correctly), then use Load Map to load the new map.
    • Difficulty - Adjust the difficulty for the current game.
    • Barbarians - Adjust the Barbarian strength for the current game.
    • Turn Number - Use the right/left arrows to increase/decrease the turn number. The Year Display below will change accordingly.
    • Save Map - Click this button to save a map into \ctp2_program\ctp\save\maps. Note: Save Map will not save all the data that Save Scenario will.
    • Load Map - Click this button to load a preciously saved map file. Note: the game you load the map from must have a map of the same size as the map you are attempting to load. (ie. If you saved a Huge map, you must start a game with a Huge map in order to load the saved map).
    • Save Scenario - Click this button to Save the current game as a scenario. Note: if you save an existing scenario to a different location, you will have to manually copy over any data or script files you've added.


    This section is for modifying terrain
    • Cut Region - The scissors icon is used to cut a selected region. In order to cut a region, first you must use the Select Region tool.
    • Copy Region - The icon with two sheets of paper is used to copy a selected region. In order to copy a region, first you must use the Select Region tool.
    • Paste Region - The clipboard icon is used to paste a region that you have loaded, copied or cut. To use this feature, click the Paste button and then click on a land tile. The tiles to the lower right of the cursor will be replaced with the selected Region. If you want to paste the region again, you must click the Past Region button again.
    • Save Clip - The disk button is used to save a region, which can be loaded later. In order to save a region, you must create a folder named "clips" in \ctp2_program\ctp\save\. Then copy or cut a region and click the Save Clip button. Enter a name for the clip in the window that appears and then click the save button.
    • Load Clip - The disk with the red arrow icon is used to load a saved clip.
    • Small Brush - Select the small brush to paint terrain one square at a time.
    • Medium Brush - Select the medium brush to paint terrain 9 squares at a time.
    • Large Brush - Select the large brush to paint terrain 25 squares at a time.
    • Set Map Explored - The binoculars icon is used to set black, unexplored tiles to greyed out, explored tiles.
    • Set Map Unexplored - The crossed out binoculars icon is used to set greyed out, explored tiles to black, unexplored tiles.
    • X-Wrap - Clicking the icon of the world with the horizontal red arrow will toggle the ability to scroll the map horizontally (left-right) past the edge of the map to the opposite side.
    • Y-Wrap - Clicking the icon of the world with the vertical red arrow will toggle the ability to scroll the map vertically (up-down) past the edge of the map to the opposite side.
    • Position Indicator - The Pos. indicator displays the X, Y coordinates of the tile beneath the mouse cursor.
    • Find Position - Enter numbers in the X and Y fields of Find Pos. and click the Locate button to center to screen on the X, Y location.
    • Hut - Select the Hut button and then click on a tile to place a Ruin (Goodie Hut). If you click on a square that already has a Ruin, it will remove it. If the tile has an even numbered X value, an "Easter Island" Ruin will be placed. If the tile has an odd numbered X value, a "Stonehenge" Ruin will be placed. Note that you can place Ruins on water squares through the editor, but this may cause problems, so I'd recommend against it.
    • River - Select the River button and then click on a tile to place River. If you click on a square that already has River, it will remove it. Note that you can place Rivers on water squares through the editor, but this has been known to cause problems, so I'd recommend against it.
    • Goods - Select one of the four goods buttons to put different goods on terrain. Most of the terrain in the standard game has two goods, but you can specify up to four in terrain.txt.
    • Pollution - Click this button to toggle Pollution on/off. If the button appears raised, Pollution is off. If it appears pressed, Pollution is on. Sometimes opening the Scenario Editor can cause Pollution to toggle itself, so make sure it is set to what you want before you save your scenario.
    • Remove All Goods - Pressing this button removes all the goods on the map.
    • Generate Goods - Pressing this button will randomly generate goods on the map. If you press the button more than once, it will add more random goods.


    You can place units on the map from this screen.
    • Legal Only - This feature does not work
    • Show Labels - This feature does not work
    • Exclude - This button appears underneath each of the units. If the button is pressed, it will stop all players from being able to build that type of unit.


    From this screen you can place and modify cities and add tile improvements.
    Note: you will know a city is selected when a red target appears over the city. If you see a green or yellow target instead, click the city again and it should turn red.
    • Add City - The top row with the tan diamond buttons is used to place cities on the map. The first button from the left is used to place Classical-style cities. The second button is used to place Persian-style cities. The third button is used to place Asian-style cities. The other three buttons don't do anything. While the scenario editor will let you place cities on water tiles, it could cause problems. If you want to create a Sea City go to the Units screen, drop a Sea Engineer and use it to create a city.
    • Size - Use the arrows to increase or decrease the size of a selected city.
    • Add Buildings - Add buildings to the selected city.
    • Add Wonders - Add wonders to the selected city.


    From this screen you can change governments and races, and add/remove player advances and flags.
    • Add Advances - Click this button to bring up the add advances screen. Click once on any advance on the left column to add it. Adding an advance will also add the advances that are a prerequisite. Click on advances in the right column to remove an advance. Disregard the arrows in the middle of the screen. They don't do anything.
    • Pick Race - This is located just below the Add Advances button. Use this to change the race of the selected player.
    • Mode - These four buttons are used to add start point flags to the game. Flags can be placed dependent on Player and Nation. The By Nation flags were used for the World Map Scenario in order to place Settlers at the starting point of whichever 8 of the nations were randomly chosen.
    • Pick Government - Use this to change the government of the selected player.
    • Player Choice - Change this to one of the races if you would like players to be limited to choosing that one race when they start your scenario. If you want them to choose from all the races in the scenario, leave it on Player Choice.
    • Add Public Works - Enter a number and press Enter to add that amount of Public Works to the selected Player. You can remove Public Works by entering a negative number.
    • Add Gold - Enter a number and press Enter to add that amount of Gold to the selected Player. You can remove Gold by entering a negative number.

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    • CTP II map editor manual
      by Immortal Wombat

      1. Cut Map Area
      2. Copy Map Area
      3. Paste Map Area

      - These work much like any such cut, copy and paste buttons in painting programs. To use them, you first have to select an area of the map using button 13, see below. Having selected a map region, you can cut it (copies it to the 'clipboard' and replaces with shallow ocean), copy it (copies to the 'clipboard' but remains present also. Once it is on the 'clipboard', you can paste the region by selecting the paste button (#3) and clicking a tile which you wish to become the TOP LEFT tile of the pasted region.

      4. save map area.
      -I never use this. I guess it's so you can save a segment from one map you make. why? (see #8)

      5. Small brush size. One tile at a time
      6. Medium brush size. I dunno, maybe 9 at a time.
      7. Large brush size. Something like 25 or 36 at a time.

      8. load map area.
      -Cunning, no? You can now load the segment (that you saved from one map in #4) into another.

      9. Set Map 'Explored'
      - All players see the map as fully explored. I think this saves into the scenario, otherwise it works no difference from button #16.

      10. Set Map 'Unexplored'
      - Opposite of #9

      11. X-wrap on/off.
      - i.e. do the sides of the map connect in the game?

      12. Y-wrap on/off
      - i.e. do the top and bottom of the map connect?

      - Displays the co-ordinates of the tile your cursor is hanging over.

      13. Select portion of the map
      - As used with buttons 1,2 and 3. Simply click the tile you want at a corner of the chosen region, then drag across to the opposite corner of the region and let go.

      14. Eraser.
      - Works like a paintbrush, but turns everything to default terrain (shallow water)

      15. Reset Map
      - Covers the whole map in shallow water.

      16. Reveal Map
      - duh...

      17. Reload Slic
      - You won't need this for map design, but it reloads the SLIC files that you may have changed while modding.

      18. Locate!
      - Type in a set of x and y co-ordinates, and press locate to center the map on them.

      19. Remove all Goods
      - Removes all goods...

      20. Generate Goods
      - Generates goods at random across the map. Different seeding pattern on each click.

      21. Hut
      - Place a hut on the map, or remove one by clicking this button, then clicking the hut.

      22. River.
      - As above, but with rivers, not huts.

      23-26. Place goods
      - Place (or remove) goods on the map. Most terrains only have 2 goods, so only the first two buttons work. Some mods allow the other 2 to work as well.
      Button 1 places the first good for that terrain, button 2 will place a different one (but will firstly remove the first good, click again to add the second - it doesn't replace. if that makes any sense...)

      27. Toggle Pollution on/off

      28. Map Size.
      Select the map size you want. This will reload the map as a blank all-sea map, so copy any regions you want to keep.

      29. Difficulty
      - Select one of the 6 difficulty levels.

      30. Barbarians.
      - Select one of the 4 barbarian levels.

      31. Date Roller
      - Change the year in the game by scrolling backwards and forwards.

      32. Save Map
      - Save the map to a map file. Then you can reload it later, or publish it, or something.

      33. Load Map
      - So you can continue working on it I guess. You have to have saved it first.

      34. Save scenario.
      - Save the whole scenario (map, rules, etc. ) to a scenario file, which you are asked to place in the scenario structure. Select the scenario fo your choice, and click save. The press 'back' outwards.

      December 25, 2011, 14:15
    • EditPlus: updated SLIC-definitions, new CTP2-DB-definitions
      by BureauBert
      Why not get back to CTP2-modding just to enjoy the luxury of syntax highliting in EditPlus?
      • for SLIC (Locutus' SLIC-definitions file updated for CTP2 AE)
      • for CTP2 AE database files (a brand new definitions file)

      I will keep updating both files as long as the Source Code Project is going on with the Information I can find in the AE Modding Wiki (or somewhere else, but preferably there).

      The EditPlus definitions for CTP2 AE database structures are currently supporting all files in \default\gamedata and \default\aidata. I will see how much I can do for the string files, but I intend to integrate at least some highliting support for editing the Great Library. Personally, I like browsing the textfiles with syntax highliting -- I can see clearly now .

      I will eventually post updates here (not too frequently though).

      Please don't hesitate to post your suggestions and complaints .

      • Requires: EditPlus
      • copy the zipped files into the EditPlus program folder
      • open EditPlus, open the menu Tools > Preferences
      • go to "Settings and Syntax"
      • hit the "Add" button
      • for SLIC enter a description like "SLIC", file extension "slc", the syntax file is "slic.stx", the auto completion file is "slic.acp" and the function pattern file is "slic.ctl"
      • for the database defintions enter a description like "CTP2 DB", the file extension is "txt" (which might be a bit annoying if you use EditPlus for other textfiles and if you frequently use words like "InvaderMovementRegardCost" in your notes ), there is just a syntax file "ctpdb.stx"
      January 29, 2011, 18:53
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      AI Customization

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      Getting Started

      You should create a new scenario that will include the modifications you make. Specific directions for creating a new scenario can be found below in Appendix A. Most of the files that you will modify to make AI changes can be found in the default\aidata subdirectory of your scenario. You will also create/modify the scenario.slc file in the default\gamedata subdirectory of your scenario.
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