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Submerging units and terrain enhancements

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  • Submerging units and terrain enhancements

    What happens if you submerge land units with sea formers or ground naval units with formers??? Are they lost? Does a city need a pressure dome to survive seaformers submerging them? And what happens to terrain enhancements when they are grounded or submerged???

  • #2
    I lost a seaformer and cruiser when I apparently wasn't watching what I was doing when I raised land right next to them, so I'll assume that the opposite is also true. If a land unit gets wet, it is dead. If a sea unit gets beached, it is dead. As for citys, I think I remember reading either in the manual or Prima's book about needing pressure domes to survive getting submerged. Most terrain enhancements disappear, though I do remember seeing a sensor in the water, eventhough I don't think I could build one in water.
    What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
    Mohandas Gandhi


    • #3
      If a city does not have a pressure dome and you lower the terrain around it, it will be lost.

      If your raise the terrain where a sea unit is, the unit lost (I lost 4 sea formers cause I was an idiot this way).

      If you lower the terrain where a land unit is, the unit is lost.

