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Windows 7 issue

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  • Windows 7 issue

    I can't get Windows 7 to associate PBEM files correctly.
    Anyone have any suggestion.

    I've already launched and created a PBEM game using the software. I've tried associating it with civctp.exe but then double clicking the icon just launches the regular game rather than launching the PBEM. From what I gather I need to associate it with ".../civctp.exe -|"%1" " or something, I can do this in window XP easily but I can't seem to do it in windows 7. Anyone know how to do this?

  • #2
    I have xp, but I found this with google:
    i need to change my exe files cause i accidently changed them to open with command prompt but now i cant make ti hwo it was before


    • #3
      We're all 'behind the times' running XP (or, heaven forbid, Vista)--that's why we're all still playing CTP instead of CIV IV, or at least CTP2!


      • #4
        Ah I have civ 4. I'm playing CTP because I like it better, =-).


        • #5
          Also this requires me to simply select the application, unfortunately it doesn't allow me to add that extra command so that it opens the game rather than launching the menu.


          • #6
            Did you ever solve this John? I've now got the same problem.


            • #7
              Well for Windows 7, CTP2 and, PBEM, I put the file into a regular single save game folder and I could load the game, well afterwards I fixed a bug. So I did not test what would happen if I end turn, but I guess it would behave, normally.

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • #8
                I never did fix this, but martin's suggestion seems like it would work. How did you end up fixing the bug, or did doing this simply fix it on its own?


                • #9
                  Cuiach had a solution for this a long time ago: he suggested that doing this was necessary.

                  First be very careful with your registry find a way to back it up before making any changes.

                  Originally posted by Cuiach
                  If I remember correctly, I had to start and save a game with the original install, then again with each update, to ensure the Windows Registry properly associated the .csg file with CTP. As well, the setting in the registry under


                  needs to read thusly:

                  C:\"your directory"\ctp_program\ctp\civctp.exe -l"%1"

                  with, of course, the proper directorie(s) in place of "your directory". This allows the game to start without going through the start-up screen. However, it doesn't always work (for reasons I do not understand) and it took me a few tries to get it right.



                  • #10
                    Quinns also had a solution:
                    Celebrating 10 years of .xyz - over a decade of innovation! We are beginning the countdown to our decade-iversary! Over ten chapters, journey through a decade of innovation with .xyz. From its ambitious inception to quickly becoming a leader in the domain industry, each press release will unveil a year of .xyz’s history, challenges, and


                    • #11
                      Thanks for those JG, I'll give them a go.


                      • #12
                        Did any of these work?


                        • #13
                          I tried the registry thing, but not the reinstalling everything and playing a turn with each install. I'm now not using that PC, so I'm not pursuing it at this time.


                          • #14
                            I still use Vista, so I can't tell with 100% certainity whether the following works for Windows 7. I have attached a registry export file (inside a zip archive) that contains the minimum information for associating ".csg" files correctly with CtP. Logon as an administrator, extract the ".reg" file from the zip archive to some folder or to the desktop, double-click on the ".reg" file and allow the import of the contained information into the registry. Maybe you'll have to log off / log on before the association takes effect. If your intallation folder is different from "C:\Program Files\Activision\Civilization-Call To Power" then open the ".reg" file with a text editor before you do the import and correct the last line to point to the correct location (be careful to use double backslashes as path separators since the backslash is used as an escape character within that string).
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JohnGalt137 View Post
                              Cuiach had a solution for this a long time ago: he suggested that doing this was necessary.

                              First be very careful with your registry find a way to back it up before making any changes.
                              Hey Gang...have you been able to get Win7 to open PBEM saved game files correctly?

                              My instructions listed above by JG137 were accurate for XP SP3 and earlier, but I have not tested them on later versions on Windows. Any time I had to reinstall my OS or CTP1, I found I had to go through the steps of associating the PBEM files with the appropriate registry entry for each step along the way (i.e. for each revision to the game). It was time-consuming, and not always successful, but no other process ever worked for me, including manually altering the registry with the proper command (C:\"yourdirectory"\ctp_program\ctp\civtp.exe -|"%1").

                              I'm about to get a new machine with Win7 as the OS...let me know if anyone comes up with a better solution.


