I was cruising along in "my best game ever"
not really paying attention to my percentage
score but watching the population creep up
past 150 million and the score go over 3000.
At some point I looked at the percentage
score and it was negative--like minus 256%!
I played the game out and finished with over
200 million pop and 4000 score but I never
got my percentage above minus 100%. Can
anyone explain what happened? Is this a bug
or a feature?
not really paying attention to my percentage
score but watching the population creep up
past 150 million and the score go over 3000.
At some point I looked at the percentage
score and it was negative--like minus 256%!
I played the game out and finished with over
200 million pop and 4000 score but I never
got my percentage above minus 100%. Can
anyone explain what happened? Is this a bug
or a feature?