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Jugar PTW 1.14f y 1.21f al mismo tiempo

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  • Jugar PTW 1.14f y 1.21f al mismo tiempo

    Hola todos,

    Hace rato me enteré de una manera de poder jugar PTW versiones 1.14 y 1.21 al mismo tiempo (para eso de poder jugar various PBEMs con diferentes versiones)

    El thread original es este, cortesía de Sir Ralph:

    Para los que les da hueva leerselo o lo quieren en español basicamente hay que hacer esto:

    - Asumiendo que ya tienen instalado PTW 1.14:

    1) Separen los siguientes archivos en el directorio base de PTW (CIV3PTW) y el subdirectorio Text y hagan un archivo .zip con ellos en el directorio base


    2) ya que tengan su .zip, dale un nombre que refiera a que es la version 1.14f (ej.

    3) corre el patch de 1.21f (y por aquello de aquello el krak...)

    4) separa estos mismos archivos en otro .zip que seria para la version 1.21f. (ej.

    5) ahora cada que quieras jugar una version, simplemente haz click con el boton derecho en el .zip y elije la opcion de Extract to here y dile que si cuando te pida si quieres reemplazar los archivos.

    Listo! ya puedes alternar con ambas versiones y no tarda mas de varios segundos antes de cargar el juego

    Ojala les sirva.


    PD Creo que tambien sirve para tener varias versiones de Civ3 normal.
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)

  • #2
    Y ya que estamos ¿alguien (que lo tenga ya instalado)puede decir qué demonios corrige el 1.21f? ¿se corrigen los fallos en la carga de partidas PBEM?¿ya no hay que andar especificando cada vez las características de las partidas PBEM?

    A ver si algún alma caritativa nos lo confirma y nos pasamos todos al 1.12 f de una vez para jugar nuestras PBEM's...

    Si no hubiéramos sido lo que fuimos ahora no seríamos lo que somos... «Boys are back in town...»


    • #3
      esto es directo de la pagina de INFOGREED:

      Patch History Back to Top

      Additions in version 1.21f Back to Top

      Added support for numeric keypad special characters in edit boxes.
      Added support for faster-loading Multiplayer saved games and scenarios.
      Added a 'Locate City' hotkey to Multiplayer.
      Implemented Kick in the Staging Area.
      Added INI tweak to disable force feedback support: NoForceFeedback=1.
      Added a civilopedia reference to 'Happy Faces' if a building produces happy faces in the city window.

      Changes in version 1.21f Back to Top

      Hidden Nationality units are no longer forcibly removed from enemy territory via diplomacy.
      Expansionist civs can no longer build Scouts when civ-specific abilities are disabled.
      No player will be dropped within a certain timeframe of a player leaving the game.
      The Net Setup Window has been changed to a selective asynchronous process.
      Passwords are limited to 20 characters.
      ICBM's can no longer auto-bombard.
      Canceling Espionage in multiplayer no longer exits to map.
      Non-Empty Games Filter now filters out games with only one player (the host).
      Removed In-Progress Filter, replaced it with a Password Filter.
      GameSpy Connect call is now non-modal, meaning it can be cancelled and will time out if it fails to connect.
      Improved Pangaea map generation.
      Improved random free tech selection for the Scientific civ trait.

      Fixes in version 1.21f Back to Top

      Fixed bug with cultural opinion text being replaced with garbled text.
      Non-combat unit warning message has been changed to refer to both cities and terrain improvements.
      Fixed bug that incorrectly reported a rescued/re-captured princess as the player's princess being killed.
      Fixed an issue with overlapping popups.
      Fixed paste crash.
      Fixed bug that caused players in the loss sequence to receive a popup message telling them that they won when the actual winner exits the game.
      Fixed bug that allows users to cursor past text limits in edit boxes.
      Fixed loading saved games status message display.
      Fixed an out of synch related to stack movement.
      Fixed bug where the fog of war would cover the whole screen with the exception of the last city you were viewing.
      Fixed chat text getting cut off.
      Fixed bug where a single player loading a hotseat or PBEM game through the setup win could not exit.
      Reloading a game in the setup window will now show you messages again (such as Sending game to player xxx...).
      There is no longer a 'ghost' game in the lobby, both with clicking and mouseover.
      The lobby should no longer re-sort periodically unless you instigate it or a game is added/deleted.
      The AI can no longer be set to player '0' (barbarian) when loading a game.
      Fixed a bug in the spaceship screen where it would show your city on everyone screen (the city view screen).
      Chat text will no longer persist in the diplomacy window.
      Fixed an out of synch unique to turnless.
      Fixed a bug where you would load a turnless save and some cities would never produce again.
      Fixed a bug in turnless where units would simply stop moving, and cities would stop producing periodically.
      Fixed a bug with auto-precision bombing not choosing the proper targets.
      Fixed a bug that allowed players to change another's production after they stole their plans.
      Fixed an out of synch related to amphibious warfare.
      Fixed an out of synch involving nukes.
      Fixed a plethora of problems with filters.
      Fixed a bubble text bug with staging window.
      Fixed a array out of bounds issue with lobby window.
      Removed Asturias from Spanish city list.
      Fixed typo in conquistador civilopedia chapter.
      Correct date listed for Spain becoming a democracy in Spanish civilopedia chapter.
      Fixed crash involving starting hotseat games.
      Fixed the hang alive after pause bug.
      Fixed the bug where all players would have to hit enter (occasionally) after a pause.
      The spaceship screen will now process messages.
      Fixed hang alive when the spaceship screen comes up over diplomacy.
      Fixed bug (Single player and MP) where you could select a unit in an army and unload him (move him out).
      Filters now work as an OR filter in each group, and an AND filter cross-group.
      Fixed an out of synch caused by combat and lag.
      Games will now report correctly, instead of everything past load game reporting as elimination.
      Fixed an out of synch unique to eliminating a civilization.
      Fixed the win98 modem hosting with 3+ modems connecting slowdown/lockup bug.
      Fixed a bug where if you denied to vote on a UN leader, then no one in the game could win (they could however lose).
      Fixed the screen slot error in MP setup screen.
      Fixed crash when loading a save game where the host was eliminated and the new host had a different name than the next available player.
      Fixed bug where the game would do 2 turns instead of 1 when only 1 human player (non-original host) was left in the game to defeat AI.
      Fixed an infinite production exploit with PBEM games.
      Fixed a display bug in the MP setup window which would keep a combo box open indefinitely.
      Fixed graphic corruption issue in the MP setup screen when loading a PBEM game.
      Fixed an issue where the players name would vanish if they left and then returned quickly to the lobby window.
      Fixed bug where auto-bombard would not auto-bomb multiple terrain improvements in neutral territory.
      Fixed the military advisor speed.
      Fixed an out of synch with auto-precision bombing.
      Fixed a text overwrite issue in the staging window.
      Fixed a graphic issue where multiple leaders would be displayed in Military advisor.
      Fixed bug with hotseat/PBEM victory conditions and rules.
      Fixed a selection issue with the build queue in the city screen.
      Fixed a bug where the right click menu would stay up over top of screens.
      Fixed bug with Sentry not functioning in MP.
      Fixed bug where you could not ask an AI civ to remove its units from your territory.
      Fixed an out of synch involving advancing into a newly captured city tile which contained units which could be captured while the animation was onscreen.
      Slightly increased turn-flip performance to minimize lag (especially post-turn lag) in larger games with slower machines.
      Fixed lockup with nuke launching.
      Fixed bug which allowed multiple instances of the same nuke to be launched.
      Fixed remaining Hang Dead due to spaceship screen appearing over diplomacy.
      Fixed hang alive related to auto-bombardment or bombing from a city and then tributing that city to another player.
      Fixed crash when a mod had less than 24 races and the player chose 'Random'.
      Fixed a bug where the settler would occasionally not build a city in MP.
      Fixed a bug where you would lose mouse functionality in the city window.
      Fixed a bug that when the host is eliminated the game would lock.
      Fixed right click on an improvement from the city window referring the user to the incorrect civilopedia entry.
      Fixed grammar issue with MPP causing a civ to declare war on you.
      Fixed grammar issue in the spaceship screen.
      Fixed unit movement on road after combat bug.
      Fixed bug with unit healing.
      Fixed bug where the game would not end synchronously on all machines.
      Editor: Fixed memory leak.
      Fixed several bugs involving the display of several items near and crossing the x/y boundaries of the map.
      Fixed numerous text bugs in diplomacy.txt.
      Fixed bug in city view screen which allowed you to give orders while a pull down menu was up.
      Fixed a bad index to civilopedia in the city window.
      Fixed a bug where the user could abandon all of their cities if they had more than one.
      Fixed PathMananger infinite loop.
      Fixed some issues with lag.
      Fixed a bug with the civilopedia cursor.
      Fixed a graphics issue with bombarding and interception causing a lockup and graphics corruption.
      Fixed an out of synch involving non-stack moved settler/defender combo reporting as 'undefended' for humans.
      Fixed an out of synch involving barbarian movement.
      Fixed an out of synch involving combat.
      Tal vez sea ese el bug, ojala

      Lo que SI se es que el bug de ver el territorio de otro no se ha corregido porque les ha sucedido a varios que conozco.
      Last edited by Master Zen; April 7, 2003, 04:23.
      A true ally stabs you in the front.

      Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


      • #4

        Si quieres intenta el dual boot (a mi si me sirvio) y empezamos a jugar unas partidas PBEM de prueba con el 1.21 a ver que tal.

        Yo voy a empezar unas partidas con los miembros del ISDG pero todavia va a ser un rato hasta que empiezen por eso mejor hagamos una prueba nosotros.
        A true ally stabs you in the front.

        Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Master Zen
          esto es directo de la pagina de INFOGREED:

          Tal vez sea ese el bug, ojala

          Lo que SI se es que el bug de ver el territorio de otro no se ha corregido porque les ha sucedido a varios que conozco.
          Supongo que será esto...
          Added support for faster-loading Multiplayer saved games and scenarios.

          Esto se lo comunicó Alfonso, creo ...
          Removed Asturias from Spanish city list.
          Correct date listed for Spain becoming a democracy in Spanish civilopedia chapter.
          Si no hubiéramos sido lo que fuimos ahora no seríamos lo que somos... «Boys are back in town...»

