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The World 1999 XXII - The Second Rebirth

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  • And read more carefully I said in 39 year... not 33...
    NSDAP would win with 90% in the elections...
    "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


    • OOC:
      No, the NSDAP never received a majority. Not even in 1939. Of course, I don't know what lies Polish textbooks say, but I have read numerous books and seen actual voting statistics for this period which show that they never got a majority.

      Because Luk will now claim that many of these books are propaganda by the Germans, I should point out that one book was written by an Englishman, another by a Frenchman, one by an American and one by a Czechan. Articles in reknowned worldwide historical journals have also pointed out this fact.

      I find it more likely that either Luk is incorrect or he has been lied to. I doubt so many sources could be wrong.

      He should also noted that there are fifteen million Germans with military training and fit for service, and it should be noted that I have been expanding the German military more than he has, and I can afford even greater expansion still.


      • The British Defense Minister was shocked by recent developements. He had recieved the following message from the Slav Confederacy.

        Dont threat us, because our bombers and intercontinental missled can reach London...
        Would they really have the gall to launch a nuclear assualt on Britain? Surely they know that the Vanguard and Resolution class submarines could quickly blanket most of eastern europe with radioactive fallout. No, they wouldn't go nuclear. They would simply attempt to bombard london with conventional weapons. But using an intercontinental missile to land a conventional warhead is waste, and their bombers would be ripped apart by our Type 42 destroyers and Tornados. It must be a bluff he thought. They know they can't touch us.

        Meanwhile several Swiftsure and Trafalger class submarines moved into the mediterranean from Gibralter. Each was armed with a full battery of Tomahawk cruise missiles and Spearfish torpedos. The Spearfish with their 50knot top speed and passive assualt modes would make the seas a death trap for Akula and Alfa class subs should they appear.

        Panavia Tornados begin patroling the British Isles while the bulk of the Tornado fleet waited on the ground, ready for action, for word from circling AWACS planes.

        To United States,

        The United Kingdom requests the use of your sattelite networks to guarantee the accuracy of our cruise missile strikes should they prove nessesary.
        When the stars threw down their spears,
        and water'd heaven with their tears,
        Did he smile his work to see?
        Did he who made the lamb make thee?


        • OOC: Plus you have half the world on your side. But that doesn't make any differance because the Ukrainian and Polish supermen will crush us all.

          Air strikes have been launched from the John F Kennedy and John C Stennis in the Black Sea. Repeated warnings from the Battle group to the Ukrainian fleet to not approach closer than three hunder miles were ignored by the Ukrainians.
          60 F-18Ds escorted by another 40 F-14s, with 6 EA-6B prowlers jamming radar and E-2C hawkeyes providing radar coverage.
          The Air armada closed on the blind Ukrainian fleet, its radar's being jammed by the most sofisticated systems on board the EA-6B.
          The Ukrainian force of 5 Cruisers, 5 destroyers, and 21 frigates was hit by a blizzard of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, the F-18s releasing theor deadly cargo well out of range of the Ukrainian ability to engage them. Along with the Jamming the Ukrainian ships were blind, the total American superiority in technology made the battle a foregone conclusion, only two cruisers were sinking and they were heavily damaged.
          American E-2Cs spotted a Ukrainian air armada coming towards the fight to play. 30 Mig-29s, 20 Su-27s, and 100 Mig-21s they were out for blood. As they entered the electronic battlefield the EA-6Bs shut down their radars and blocked out their radio's, blind and deaf they did their best to fight on. The forty F-14s escorting the F-18s fired of two phoenix missiles each at the Su-27s and Mig-29s, eighty missiles streaked in on fifty aircraft. Only six survived to find Amraam's coming their way next, they reacted as quickly as they could releasing their AA-11 archer missiles killing six F-18s and two F-14s. The rest of the Su-27s and Mig-29s were blown out of the sky and then the real slaughter began as the nearly helpless Mig-21s were massacred by the Angry American pilots. The poor Ukrainian and Polish pilots flying the Mig-21s might as well have been flying coffins. Cause they all died in a hail of missiles and cannon.

          In the Baltic the Polish fleet met a similar fate as the Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan destroyed it in port. The Polish Air force sent a similar armada that the Ukraine and met with little success as the illtrained and badly equipped Polish by pilots when down in the dozens for every American plane they shot down. Just like in the Black Sea EA-6Bs shut down the Polish radar with its effective jamming.

          The fourth fleet and ninth fleet have opened up with sustained Cruise missiles barrages of the Slav confederation. Such targets were the Kharkiv tank works, the aircraft factories at Kiev and Kharkiv, as well as the shipyards Nikolayev North and south. The cruise missiles hit Polish shipyards and arms factories as well as several military airfields. Preliminary satelite data indicates that nearly two hundred aircraft were destroyed on the ground as they were packed so close together.
          Los Angelas class subs sunk several Kilo and Sierra III class attack submarines in the Baltic and Black Sea.

          To Slav Confederation
          You are now in a state of War with the United States of America.
          [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited June 23, 2000).]
          If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


          • Double Post
            [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited June 23, 2000).]


            • OOC: I'm switching to Holland. And no Luk I'm not coming after you.


              When the new French president was elected, the French expansion engulfed the Benelux nation. The French attempted to shove Francophone sentiments down the Dutch, Belgian, and Luxembourger people. Trying to make them French. However the Dutch patriots refused to accept Francophone domination. Supported by Queen Beatrix they fought against the French forces. Finally they won back their independance. Now the Netherlands stand on a precepace. Faced by France to the south and a brewing storm to the east, Holland must find a way to keep her newly won freedom at all costs.

              To World: We are not a threat. All we want is freedom, from the tyrannous French. We ask that our independance be rcognized and our neutrality protected.


              • OOC: Luk, due to the embargo by the Arab states and the other embargoes and blockades by other naitons, the Slac Confederation essentially can no longer import petroleum. You must therefore rely on your own oil sources, which are vastly insufficient (yes, I did research this). Your nation does not have sufficient fuel for all of you tanks and aircraft, and means of transporting troops. You threatened to take Berlin, but in all realism, you do not have enough fuel for an army large enough to do this.

                IC: Approximately 5 million additional UBS citizens have now received throrough military training, due to Parliament's call for volunteers to enlist in the army. Most have been sent back to their homes to continue with their normal jobs, but they have been informed that at a moment's notice, they will need to report to their local military centers. The UBS military factories are producing aircraft, tanks, and munitions at a tremendous rate. The UBS military now posesses 516 strategic bombers, 1640 land-based fighters, 7140 main battle tanks, and over 2500 surface-to-air missiles and anti-missile artillery batteries. These missiles and missile batteries have been stationed around all major UBS cities, military and industrial centers, and airfields. The UBS air force has been put on alert to avoid any surprise attacks.

                The UBS Defense Minister warns the Slav Confederation that if they engage in any more hostile actions towards any of the UBS's allies, at the snap of a finger 6 million well-trained troops will join the UBS standing army. The people of the UBS, who have now received military training, will not hesitate to defend their beloved homeland.



                • The Slav Confederate Armada attacked the US Fleet and smashed them from the surface of Black Sea. Over 250 tactical bombers, and 2000 aircrafts were prepared for the attack of US Fleet. US Fleet which is defendless near the territory of enemy, which has the good airforce are ended. The missles launched from Kiev, Charkov, and Lvov reached the target ans sunk all Carriers with all equipment. The 20 Aircrafts from Slav Forces were destroyed and in large numbers that was MiG-21. Many American fighter started and had no fuel to land, because their carriers were destroyed. Almost 2000 aircrafts were doing an extremly hunting, and all fleet was destroyed.

                  Today 1 million Slav Soldiers attacked Baltic States and entered to Belarussia and Lithuania.

                  Over 2500 tanks entered to belarussia from south and aboout 1000 from the west. The cities of Grodno, Baranowiczi, and Brest was first attacked by Slav Spetznaz divisions. That action was supported by the 200 tactical bombers which attacked that cities and destroyed barracks and Military buildings. The 1000 Aircrafts supported the attack of lands forces, and additional 500 Su class aircrafts destroyed the aircrafts stationed in airports.

                  The Great Mechanized corps, with BMPs, over 200 attack helos, and 400 transport helos smashed the opposite army in Lithuania, because of lack of their power.

                  In Belarussia the surrounded forces defended their position for 2-3 days, but they withdraw because of fire from Air, and Ground. The Slav Tanks with light losses and Mech Infantry overtook the position in Lithuania, and split into two armies - one attacking in north to Estonia, and Latvia, and second attacking Belarussia from North. Being attacked from all sides Belarussian Army was shocked and they withdraw to the position near Minsk. The Slav Army is 20km from Minsk, and almost conquered the all Lithuania, Wilno is almost liberated, the first fights on street was spotted.

                  "Victory is ours" - the official communication from General Staff of Slav Army.

                  2 weeks offensive almost destroyed all forces of Lithuania, and shocked the forces of Belarussia.

                  The losses
                  25 000 Slav Soldiers died.
                  60 000 wounded.

                  800 Tanks destroyed
                  40 Helos dest.
                  120 Aircrafts dest.

                  The next two weeks will be the great siege of Minsk, and Wilno... The artillery awaits.

                  At German Border Slav Forces are concentrating.

                  Almost 5500 Tanks,

                  1,8 Million of People

                  200 Att. Helos

                  1000 Aircrafts.

                  are awaiting to enter to Chechs.

                  The Spetznaz is awaiting to paradrop near Praga...
                  [This message has been edited by Luk (edited June 23, 2000).]
                  [This message has been edited by Luk (edited June 23, 2000).]
                  "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                  • We have still fuel from Russia...
                    "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                    • OK Luk, i thought you were funny at first, and i thought you were just being weird, as i am know to be at times, but your recent narrow minded comments and tales of Polish Supermen are just total bugger! My anus is quaking in violation and the throbbing orifice is demanding that i withdraw from the thread! Bolo, Canada formally merges with the USA!
                      We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                      • OOC:
                        You don't get it, do you, Luk? Bolo massacred your air force. Even the best Russian warplanes are no match for the worst US planes that he used. Your air force is gone. That whole strike of yours against the United States is VOID. I am going to ignore it. I think everyone else should too.


                        • Furthermore, your attack into White Russia is going a bit too fast to be realistic. Your troops could probably be thrown back by a good counterattack. Your surviving planes are stretched thin. If Russia were to enter the war, you would be finished.


                          • Before Black Dragon went on vacation, he told me that Mao and I could act for Russia, since we are allied with him. You are not getting ANYTHING from Russia.

