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SimGolf: I eat my words ... it's FUN!

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  • Smash
    hehehe..thats a landmark.Landmarks have special powers(like wonders).That one keeps dandelions from growing.

    My latest project is Coyote Flats.A desert course with residential development.Numerous celebrities own homes here.

    The green at the heroic 378 yard par 4 fifth hole-"Magnolia" Players face a tough approach to the elevated green.

    and the 9th green on the par 4- 486 yard "Paradise" hole.Players can rip it off the tee but face a tricky long iron approach.There is the lighthouse again...this time in the middle of the desert

    thats my resort hotel.The 10th tee will go in that desert area by the blue/purple flowers.

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  • ravagon

    You put a lighthouse on a golf course as a warning to keep away from the water??!!
    What an absolute classic!


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  • Smash
    This stupid,pointless,easy "game" is fun

    5th green at Ravenwood....someone familiar is playing...
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Smash; February 6, 2002, 18:19.

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  • Steve Clark
    Thanks, Smash, I'll be picking this title up tonight.

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  • Smash
    Differnet tracks of lands can be lumpy and bumpy but generally you do that yourself.Its in "buildings" iirc.There are 3 different "elevate" buttons.You can raise and lower anything,

    Yes you can turn them off in preferences.Might not be in the demo.

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  • Steve Clark
    I, too, downloaded the SimGolf demo and played it for about an hour this weekend (I needed a break from the intensity of Medal of Honor). While I look some of the older Sim-games, I absolutely detest anything and everything about The Sims. But I also like golf games and most of Sid's games, so I tried it out. It does have a hook in that it presents you with lots of informational screens to analyze (that's one of the main things I look for in strategy games). However, there are two concerns:
    1. All of the terrain in the demo is 2D flat. Does the released version has terrains that appear to be rolling or hilly?
    2. There has to be a way to turn off those stupid, insipid comments that the golfers make, isn't there???? Please tell me that I can. If I want to gauge player reactions, I'll go to the proper report but don't clutter up the game with "personalities" and "characters" that I have no interest in viewing. This obviously comes from The Sims, which imho, is the worst concept for a game ever. I just don't want to be subjected to it in SimGolf.

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  • yin26
    Pembleton: No offense taken. Though I think I was clear that the thing I was most impressed with about Civ3 was the AI that could launch attacks overseas under carrier support. I'm still impressed with that, and I said clearly then that I would need to do more testing on the things that bothered me.

    As for SimGolf, I want to highlight that this is NOT a primary game for me but a game I seem to enjoy playing when I want a break from gaming ... if that makes sense. While I don't ever see myself putting SimGolf on my Top List, I am, nevertheless, quite surprised at how well it turned out! And I can see lots of people who enjoy Sim type stuff going nuts for it. Remember that I don't like Sim stuff at all, so for me to like the game as much as I do is pretty significant.

    This tournament issue, though, is troublesome ... and I hope that gets more attention than have the problems in Civ3.

    ravagon: LOL! Could be, except they weren't looking for the ball. They were refusing to tee-off! Instead, they walked around in circles by the tee, got tired (and annoyed), and ripped into both my fun rating and my finances! Not cool.

    Maybe I can hire a drill sergeant?

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  • ravagon
    Originally posted by yin26
    Yes, my last tournament never finished. A group of participants simply walked around the tee for months as my cash, which started at +30,000 dropped to -$120,000 and the board eventually got on me for having negative cash for 2 years straight.

    That's a game breaker. Any word on that one?
    Guess you really should have invested more in ball-boys.

    Although I've never heard of any golfer spending a couple of years searching for a lost ball before.
    Maybe it was a personal favourite that he just couldn't afford to lose.

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  • Smash
    The game comes in a relatively tiny box!

    Its about time.Now, I know the publisher is just cheap and not trying to save the enviroment,but its a good sign.
    It really stands out on the shelves.This little dwarf of a box,flanked by mega boxes and special tins and what not.

    Costs more than Civ3

    I bought it

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  • Grumbold
    I've not found that one after quite a lot of demo games. Maybe it never crept into the real thing? I'm not going to go chasing SimGolf forums until the game is released in the UK. I've got too many sites to read already for games I am playing

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  • Pembleton
    Don't take this the wrong way Yin, because my opinion of you has greatly increased since the days of our verbal sparring.

    But I just wanted to mention that you also had an initial enjoyment of Civ3 which wore off. So the real indication of how you feel about the game will be more evident in the following week or later.

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  • yin26
    It is very fun, but I noticed a *much* bigger problem than the putts (which still went screwy for me) in tournament mode:

    1) You don't collect greens fees during tournaments. That's O.K., of course, if the tournament finishes.

    What? You asked.

    Yes, my last tournament never finished. A group of participants simply walked around the tee for months as my cash, which started at +30,000 dropped to -$120,000 and the board eventually got on me for having negative cash for 2 years straight.

    That's a game breaker. Any word on that one?

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  • Imran Siddiqui
    I think I might just go out on get SimGolf... heh, even before Wizardry 8 .

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  • Grumbold
    Originally posted by Osweld
    I don't know if the demo allows you to do this, but if you want to do a championship on my courses, I'll include them. Scorpion Cove is the first course I made, and Country Kaincide is the second. (provided I zipped the right files, they go in the /themes/championship directory)
    No, they are not compatible. There is a 9k difference in file size and when you look at them on the championship list they claim to have over 2000 holes and a truly amazing fun factor. Needless to say, they don't load

    Those of us using the demo should be able to swap our 3 hole courses though ....

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  • Grumbold
    Yes, I'm playing the demo and hadn't tried turning off such options as 'roll them flat' since I assume that was more of an exhortation to your groundkeepers to get the course looking as trim as possible for the cameras

    Most noticable has been the tee-off driver shot. On my opening par 5 I can normally slot between the rockface and the tree every time. Make it a tournament and the SimPressure seems to get Gary Golf (and all the other seasoned pro's) to hash it up, or go in the water on their next shot. It's quite hilarious to see when most of the course regulars do better than that on a daily basis.

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