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Finance Ministry-General Philosophy

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  • Finance Ministry-General Philosophy

    Although I technically havent won the election yet, i have like 10 more votes than the next person, and the other ministries that are important early on are starting, so here it is. What whould be the overall general idea in the early game:
    Max science to get very advanced
    Have money high so we get rich to buy techs and other stuff
    Have luxuries so that we can have 8 of the 5 people in our cities be happy
    Money-science moderate mix (60-40 or 50-50)
    Money-science moderate mix with a little bit of luxuries
    Have high science to get very advanced :idea:
    Have money high so we get rich to buy techs and other stuff :$$$:
    Have luxuries so that we can have 8 of the 5 people in our cities be happy :rolleyes:
    Money-science moderate mix (60-40 or 50-50) :hmmm:
    Money-science moderate mix with a little bit of luxuries
    Other-please explain
    Buy lots of bananas!!!!!

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Note: Poll lasts 4 days, ends 6/20. This is because this is not an urgent poll but rather a poll for overall stuff. The normal polls such as those for the lux and science rates for specifiv playing sessions will be 2 day pols.


    • #3
      I voted "much money", because I assume we'll play on emperor, and it's easier to buy techs from others than to discover one in such a difficulty.
      If we're playing on monarch, however, having an extremely high science rate would be my choice.
      This whole first term will be for early game, when acquiring luxuries from other countries will be useless (and probably impossible).

      Civman : I must say I appreciate your concern to the people, by posting a poll about your decisions already. THAT's what democracy is about
      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


      • #4
        None of them, and all together. Thus I voted "Other".

        All depends on the situation. On any level above Regent research in the ancient age is a waste of money. So, minimize science here, just don't let it get stalled (2nd option). As soon as the core cities are developed, and we eventually have a FP and are a Republic, it's good to maximize science (1st option). If we haven't enough luxuries for a Republic (at least 3 different) and can't get more by military means, a 10% luxury setting can be good (3rd option), but it should be used wise and carefully, because it wastes gold spreading its benefits also in the less developed cities, that don't need it. Sometimes, entertainers do a better job. And it's pointless to make more people happy than needed to make a size 12 city, at least till Sanitation. The 4th and 5th options represent mixed strategies, but none of them should be used exclusively. A wise minister of finances won't think in clichés and try to play a fixed scheme, but evaluate the situation and the needs of the empire as a whole. This is, what I like in the promises of your opponent, and badly miss in yours. His strategy is sound, and he has a clue what he is talking about.


        • #5
          Right off the bat? High science because you never know where you will be on a random map.

          If we're Egypt, we would want to go for the Wheel or Bronze Working, and then...

          Slack off science (set to 0 or minimum for advance) once contact is made with several civs. Hopefully be able to trade techs with the first couple of civs we find. Trading 1 tech for 2 with 2 different civs surely cuts down the expense of the beakers. Won't work later though, at Emperor.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6
            Who's voting for luxuries?

            Are we being invaded by Civ2 Demo players?
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              If define "the early game" as "right off the bat", notyoueithers approach is a good variant. Another would be, set science low and max it, as soon as you know you're alone. This has the benefit, that you have some money to buy techs. The techs of the leftmost column are usually very cheap. On a huge crowded map (16 civs), first contact should be not later than 3000BC (after 20 turns), if not, we are most likely on an island or continent of our own. But the odds to be alone with 16 civs are not very high, even on archipelago.


              • #8
                Since I am a citizen, I really want many luxuries and to be happy, and we'll have a big celebration for the king.

                Otherwise, notyoueither's approach is a good starting point.
                By the way, I have not officially conceded, even though I'm down by 24 votes.

                The Opposition Party will not go away, even though we have been shut out of the current administration. We blame the liberal press(or fascist, to early to tell) and the scare tactics, similar to those used by the Red Brigade, used by the AACW3ZXVTDDE=MC2JLoIsHotM*A*S*H@#%^&*(()_
                or whatever their name is.

                Anyway, Good Luck civman...
                Note: the Law Offices of jdjdjd are temporarily closed.
                "Next time I say something like 'lets go to Bolivia', lets go to Bolivia"


                • #9
                  Is this opposition a proletarian one? And not an intellectual one?
                  Spices tastes good, but you think better on an empty stomach!
                  (at least the spiritual gurus says)
                  My words are backed with hard coconuts.

