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Orders for turnchat 2235-2242, Saturday 1/2/2003 2200 GMT

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  • Orders for turnchat 2235-2242, Saturday 1/2/2003 2200 GMT

    As before, except please note that the chat will now be held on the apolyton server. This caused some confusion last time.
    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; January 24, 2003, 08:43.

  • #2

    Build Queue Orders:
    New Apolyton:
    Insert Aerospace complex at start of build queue, followed by Missile tactical.

    No changes.

    Tacticus Academy:
    No changes.

    Insert crawler at start of build queue.
    Insert Command Centre after crawler.

    Worker Placement Orders:

    Crawler Orders:

    Former Orders:
    Tacticus Academy former (7, 91), SSW of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
    - Build farm then solar.
    - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

    Tacticus Academy former (6, 90), SSW of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
    - Build farm then solar.
    - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

    Antioch former (7, 91), SSW of Tacticus Academy, build farm.
    - Build farm then solar.
    - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (7, 91), SSW of Tacticus Academy, build farm.
    - Build farm then solar.
    - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former New Apolyton, move to 18,92.
    - Continue moving to 18,92.
    - Drill borehole.
    - When done, move to 18,88 clear fungus, build road, and plant forest.

    New Apolyton former (18,92) drill borehole.
    - Continue drilling borehole.
    - When done, move to 18,88, clear fungus, build road, and plant forest.

    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (13,83), no orders..
    - Move to 12,82
    - Clear fungus, build road, plant forest.


    • #3
      which staurday is it ? tomoroow or next week ?
      "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
      "I shall return and I shall be billions"


      • #4
        Next week, sorry. I won't be here this week. I'll clarify that in the thread title.


        • #5
          i won't be attending the chat. i'll be going to the canadian indoor rowing championships in toronto this weekend. but uh, it's not as prestigious as it sounds

          Internal Affairs Orders

          Sea Base Names
          Circular Quay
          UN Aquaxenobanana
          UN Slippery Ground

          Base Locations
          E, E, SE of Twin Peaks (green in poll)
          NO base east of cyclops
          3xE of Metropolis
          3xN of Metropolis

          Sea Base Locations
          NW of the 1-square island in the mouth of hercules (or N N N N W W of morgan in poll)
          2 bases in the sea of pholus: 5x NE, then N of Suez (yellow in poll) and then N N N E of that (pink)

          Base Near the Hive
          2 bases:
          S S of Leader's Horde second pod
          4x E of that Send the first pod here

          Base Names
          the poll's not finished yet, but if you're stuck use:
          Heaven's Gate
          Last edited by Method; January 31, 2003, 17:47.


          • #6
            I'll only be able to make my orders last minute, after the results of the Jedinican polls and the economy poll (important for specialist settings!!!) is clear.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              prelim. Governers orders:

              [UNPD] (changed)
              tree farm (current)
              missile tactical
              hab complex

              [ZG] (changed)
              sea colony pod (current)
              tree farm

              [DEM] (changed)
              fungul. formers (current)
              bio lab
              mind worm
              mind worm
              enegry bank

              [Xanadu] (changed)
              sea CP (current)


              [UNPD] Sea Former (14.96) [SE,SE of UNPD], [3 turn for tidal harness]
              - move N [13.99]
              - build kelp farm
              - build tidel harness
              - move around UNMI and start building kelp/tidels around the base

              [UNPD] former (7.99) [W,NW of ZG], [3 turns for clearing]
              - build forest
              - move NW [8.100]
              - build road
              - build farm
              - build solar

              [DEM] former (2.100) [NW,NW,W of DEM], [1 turn for clearing]
              - build road
              - build borehole

              [DEM] former (3.103) [SW of DEM], [no orders]
              - build sensor
              - build farm
              - move N [3.101]
              - clear
              - build road
              - build farm
              - build sensor

              [Xanadu] former (9.107) [W,W of NT], [4 turns to mine]
              - move to [4.98]
              - clear
              - clear the surroundings

              [Xanadu sea former (4.112) [W of Xanadu], [2 turns to mine]
              - move NE [5.111]
              - build kelp farm
              - build tidel harness
              - move NW [6.110]
              - build kelp farm
              - build tidel harness
              - do this the the entire area

              [DEM] fungical former (4.102) [in DEM], [build in 2236]
              - clear all fungus and road all tiles in DEM base radius

              workers order:
              only workers on forests and seatiles

              DEM: use doctor on forest


              P.S i need some clarification on who controls which formers...because the last two session Arikira (or what ever) has stolen 3-4 of my formers because they were close to there bases but i had them under my control and didnt give any command on handing them over....

              PPS TKG when do the new borders of regions go in effect?

              PPPS herc would you aprove of my [6-3-6] ship design? i have to in my list that i want to build...also i will be building two mind worms in DEM after construction of the bio you will get a lot of military units from the aurillion province be prepared
              Welcome to the DBTSverse!
              God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
              'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


              • #8
                the borders take effect immediately for every region except the new one, which is still part of jedinica.

                IOW, you have to make orders for UNMI


                • #9
                  I'll have orders for Akiria once I copy Drogue's confer with Drogue

                  Oh, and aren't UNMI's orders my responsibility?


                  • #10
                    nope. you'll get Esprito del Aqua once it's built. ZG is building the pod right now IIRC.


                    • #11
                      Ahh, k, better go remove UNMI from the Akiria post, then. What square is Esprito del Aqua gonna be on again?


                      • #12
                        i don't know off hand, but somewhere in the south FWC

                        EDIT: E E E S of zanarkand gate.
                        Last edited by Method; January 31, 2003, 15:47.


                        • #13
                          Ah, 16.102. Great


                          • #14
                            First version:

                            Jedinica Vrijstaat order, MY 2235 onwards

                            Requests to the DIA
                            Could the formers and the recycling tanks in Ankh-Morpork and Metropolis please be rushed as soon as 10 minerals are reached? I wouldn't want to declare autonomy for this new region when they don't even have some basic infrastructure.
                            And rushing the tree farm production in Terminal Dogma would allow a sooner production of a CP.
                            I can't give an estimate of the cost, as that differs depending on the economic system.

                            Requests to the DPO

                            -rehome ShSw police infantry to Ankh-Morpork
                            -rehome ShSw police infantry to Metropolis
                            -rehome ShSw police infantry to the new base on the peninsula N of Centralis as soon as established.
                            -let the ShSw police infantry follow the new ShSw colony pod to wherever it goes and rehome to the new base
                            -let the new Pandemonian police infantry follow the new TeDo CP to wherever it goes and rehome to the new base

                            Build queues

                            Concordia (3d item changes)
                            supply crawler
                            supply crawler
                            6-<3>-1*2 AAA Missile Infantry (or another crawler if fusion power isn't yet researched)
                            6-<3>-1*2 AAA Missile Infantry

                            Pandemonium (2nd item and following added)
                            police infantry
                            supply crawler
                            tree farm

                            Sheathed Sword (nothing changes)
                            colony pod
                            recycling tanks
                            hab complex

                            Ankh-Morpork (2nd item and following added)
                            recycling tanks
                            children's creche

                            Metropolis (1st item and following changed)
                            recycling tanks
                            supply crawler

                            Terminal Dogma (2nd item changes)
                            tree farm
                            colony pod
                            hab complex

                            Valhalla (3d item added)
                            rec commons
                            children's creche

                            Any new northern base
                            recycling tanks

                            Worker allocations

                            Edit: Don't change a thing. Under planned Concordia still needs three doctors.

                            put one of the librarians back to the fields, on the forest S-SW of Pandemonium
                            Edit: Please check at the end of each turn if drones are needed, since this base will be popbooming under planned.

                            Terminal Dogma
                            put the W fungal worker on the forest N-NE of TeDo

                            put the N-NW worker on the borehole SW-SW of Valhalla as soon as it's finished.

                            Colony pods

                            In Sheathed Sword and Terminal Dogma. Only TKG can tell!

                            Supply crawlers

                            First Concordian crawler
                            -move S-SW to (10.78)
                            -convoy minerals

                            Second Concordian crawler
                            -move to Valhalla
                            -rehome to Valhalla
                            -move W-SW to (14.74)
                            -convoy minerals

                            New Pandemonium crawler
                            -move S-S-E to (14.72)
                            -convoy minerals

                            -move W to (17.59)
                            -convoy minerals


                            One of the Pandemonian formers on (14.76) E-SE of Concordia, waiting for orders
                            -move one tile NW to (13.75)
                            -plant forest. Do NOT build a road
                            -move to (10.72)
                            -construct a borehole

                            The other Pandemonian former on (14.76) E-SE of Concordia, waiting for orders
                            -move to (16.70)
                            -plant forest. Do NOT build a road.
                            -move one tile N to (16.88)
                            -remove fungus
                            -build road
                            -construct mine

                            Group of five formers on (15.75) E-E of Concordia, constructing borehole
                            -finish borehole
                            -move N-E-SE to (18.74)
                            -construct borehole
                            -move to (10.72)
                            -construct borehole

                            New Pandemonium former
                            -move to Valhalla
                            -rehome to Valhalla
                            -join the group of five in their borehole quest

                            Sheathed Sword former (13.65) S-SE of ShSw, constructing solar collector
                            -STOP constructing solar collector
                            -move NE-E to (16.64)
                            -plant forest. Do NOT build road.
                            -move W to (14.64)
                            -cultivate farm
                            -construct condenser

                            Concordian former (19.63) N-NE of TeDo, waiting for orders
                            -build sensor array
                            -move SW-SW to (17.65)
                            -remove fungus
                            -build road
                            -construct borehole ( as a replacement for the one on (19.63) )

                            Two formers (18.62) N-N of TeDo, waiting for orders
                            -move S-SW to (17.65)
                            -remove fungus
                            -build road
                            -construct borehole

                            Two formers (15.55) SE of Ankh-Morpork, waiting for orders
                            -build road
                            -move one tile SW to (14.56)
                            -remove fungus
                            -build road
                            -move one tile S to (14.58)
                            -build road
                            Last edited by Maniac; February 1, 2003, 16:49.
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Maniac
                              Requests to the DIA
                              Could the formers and the recycling tanks in Ankh-Morpork and Metropolis please be rushed as soon as 10 minerals are reached? I wouldn't want to declare autonomy for this new region when they don't even have some basic infrastructure.
                              And rushing the tree farm production in Terminal Dogma would allow a sooner production of a CP.
                              I can't give an estimate of the cost, as that differs depending on the economic system
                              yup. make any rushes you need, just as long as the price is reasonable. meaning after 10 mins.

