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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread V]

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  • But Robert, look at CivStats! The people at War are just about the most active we have, probably that's why they are at War, and all of them had got their Turns in easily inside 24hrs. The ones who don't play regularly are the ones who always hold the Game up held it up this time.

    @Japan. I agree 6hrs is probably a bit too short but 22hrs is way open to abuse when we are talking about people the other side of the World. Too easy to time your move so that your opponent will be fast asleep. Not so bad for Greece/Rome/Japan/Russia as we are all in Europe but I have no idea where Natives are.

    You then also have no choice but to allow simultaneous movement! Imagine if Rome/Russia/Natives are all logged in together and focusing on a single Japanese City or Stack. Rome bombs it and softens it up with Artillery and we look to seek what's left. If it's really mangled then Natives can take it with older forces, if just badly damaged then Russia takes it so Rome can just move their forces on to the next target with undamaged modern forces! I doubt you would like that but that's what you'd get with only two hours left on the clock for there's no other way that three people could play in that time seperately.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • That would be completely legit! It would hurt, but it would not be a problem.


      • Originally posted by St Jon View Post
        @Japan. I agree 6hrs is probably a bit too short but 22hrs is way open to abuse when we are talking about people the other side of the World. Too easy to time your move so that your opponent will be fast asleep. Not so bad for Greece/Rome/Japan/Russia as we are all in Europe but I have no idea where Natives are.
        The 22h would count not from the start of the new turn but from your last move. ( so no one would be limited to make their turn in a 2 hours window.)
        Basicaly it would mean: you cant double move unless your opponent hadnt moved for a whole day (almost). And even then you can only make a double move if your opponent hadnt asked for more time.
        With this rule ppl who play around the same time everyday can play their turn no matter what since 22h passed since their last turn. If something happens and you cant play that time you should tell it in this thread and your opponent may wait more than 22h or you can ask for pause.
        Last edited by Pitboss Japan; May 27, 2009, 12:38.


        • Excellent screen shot, Greece.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • I think that the answer is that first we agree on the principle:

            No double moves in war. Turn order is what matters. If the game needs to be delayed so that the turn order can be observed, then we delay it.

            I think that everyone agrees with this.

            The question then is how we handle timers etc.

            Given the problems which a longer timer cause, I think we should try the option of people posting here if they are at war and need more time.

            i.e. currently i can't play because Japan hasn't played yet. If he plays soon, I will be able to play tonight. If he doesn't at the last time I can get on this evening, I will post saying 'sorry guys can't now play until tomorrow evening'. And we pause it. Notice here, although it would be me asking for the pause, it would be beacuse Japan hadn't been able to play early enough to allow me to get my move in. And of course the Maya have to move after me. If this is happening a lot and people want to start being grumpy, they woudl have to look carefully at whether the problem is me or Japan. But the chances are it won't happen often.

            I can see that this is probably better than the longer timer. And certainly worth a go. But what is crucial I think is that we do all agree on the principle that in war keeping to turns is more important than a slight pause. And just in case people aren't convinced, go back and look at the average turn/day ratio we have achieved in wars - the arguments mean we achieve a poor rate - the occasional asked for pause will still keep it going faster, and without the agro. Anything which says 'if you don't play in this or that time window you will be doubled moved against' really is asking for serious agro and delays while arguments are sorted out.


            • I am in same position as Rome, though I have longer tonight, I will not be able to play tomorrow during the day/evening - only very early. I hope I will not be able to play late night tomorrow either.

              I have no problems with Rome covering for me if need be and will give p/w in case. Best is if Japan takes their BLOODY TURN!
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • They're on it already
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                  They're on it already
                  I made my turn as fast as i could
                  In the begining i was able to play before going to work but the 24h timer got messed up...


                  • Sadly while I am friends with the Russians, our computers aren't. I had just logged in and was about to move, and then the Russians logged in causing my computer to crash! Has happened before with them, but not with anyone else. (My fault I am sure I have had to move to an older computer a couple of weeks ago).

                    I can't log in now while the Russians are in, and bed calls. I'll play my turn first thing in the morning.


                    • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome View Post
                      Sadly while I am friends with the Russians, our computers aren't. I had just logged in and was about to move, and then the Russians logged in causing my computer to crash! Has happened before with them, but not with anyone else. (My fault I am sure I have had to move to an older computer a couple of weeks ago).

                      I can't log in now while the Russians are in, and bed calls. I'll play my turn first thing in the morning.

                      I can never get in with you there! There must be something very strange in the configs we are running to cause such problems.


                      • Let's destroy Russia together, that'll end all problems
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • 1 hour more, then it's 24 hours since this turn started.
                          I then want to finish the turns of America and Oldonia manually.

                          America (WarningU2) did not respond since I (and others) tried to contact him regarding his message of leaving
                          Oldonia (The_Aussie_Lurker) did contact me and asked for his new password.

                          I hope that America will stay in this game though. Anybody hears anything from him?
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Rome can you please end your turn when you can. You have been in the game 2 times now and you fail to end your turn. Thanks.


                            • Sorry folks - I was in the middle of my turn - and Robert logged in as the Americans and caused me to crash. Can't carry on now (work!) - I will conclude this evening.

                              (Of course this was really just an evil ploy since Sparta saw his subject people being liberated and was desparate to do something)


                              • No, it's real America logging in. (w00t)
                                WarningU2 wants to play but doesn't like 48h turns at all.
                                I tried to explain the situation and how 48 turns are not what we want.

                                Unfortunately this turn is going to last long again now Rome can't finish his turn soon
                                You really have no time left, Rome?
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

