; ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI ; ; FACTION FILE: The Firaxians modified for SMAC (replaces the Gaians) ; ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc. ; ; ALPHA CENTAURI reads the rules of the game from this file at ; startup. Feel free, at your own risk, to experiment with editing ; this file. We recommend you make a backup copy of the original. ; #GAIANS Firaxians, The Silly, Firaxians, M, 2, Sid, M, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, TECH, SingMec Economics, Green, PLANET nil, nil, nil Firaxian, Firaxian, Lindsay, Gordon, Lindsay's Rest Mr., brilliant, mindless, entertaining, time-wasting, Play-tester make fun games for our children's children to create the most amazingly fun games imaginable monopolizing all of the free time of his hoodwinked 'fans' monopolizing all of the free time of your hoodwinked 'fans' turn our family and friends into gaming zombies shooting at pixels in his basement shooting at pixels in your basement spouting techno-babble techno-babble, M1 game designing, M1 Pac-Man contests, M2 registration fee, M1 engaging and stimulating the millions Susan Meier the Firaxis Mission Statement #BASES FIRAXIS HQ Sid's House Brian's House Jeff's House Mt. Washington Tavern Padonia Station San Sushi Andy's Macaroni Grill Bertucci's The Kids' Room Bazzell's Office Amanda's Playground Ryan Meier's Desk #END #WATERBASES Brian's Little Stream Sid's Swimmin' Hole Inner Harbor #END #BLURB Firaxis est une compagnie que j'ai fondée avec quelques amis. L'idée était de revenir à quelque chose de petit. Lorsque Microprose a démarré, c'était une petite compagnie, et c'était très amusant. En dix ou douze ans, elle a pris de plus en plus d'importance et à partir d'un certain moment, il devenait temps de revenir à un environnement beaucoup plus petit, sans les pressions et les problèmes financiers d'une grosse compagnie. En gros, le moment était idéal pour créer une petite société et pour ne plus s'occuper que de jeux. ^ ^ -- Sid Meier, ^ "But I Like This Sweatshirt..." #DATALINKS1 ^LEADER: {Sid Meier} ^BACKGROUND: {Hunt Valley, Game Designer} ^AGENDA: {Addictive Gameplay} ^TECH: {???} ^ #DATALINKS2 ^+1 PLANET: {Environmental safeguards; can capture mindworms} ^+2 EFFICIENCY: {Experience with life systems & recycling} ^-1 MORALE: {Pacifist tendencies} ^-1 POLICE: {Freedom loving} ^+1 Nutrients in fungus squares #FACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "I haven't had time to play {GETTYSBURG!} in weeks! In the name of great gaming, how's about a Blood Truce?" "Yeah, I really miss that game. Wanna play multiplayer?" "Never! I'll put an end to your slothful gaming, $NAME3!" #FACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Wouldn't you like to relax and play a game, $TITLE0 $NAME1? I suggest we sign a Treaty of Friendship, that our peoples may play lots of multiplayer games." "Agreed. How about right now, $NAME3?" "No. I've got better things to do, like the dishes." # ; This line must remain at end of file