; ; Sid Meier's ALPHA CENTAURI ; ; FACTION FILE: Peacekeeping Forces ; ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc. ; ; ALPHA CENTAURI reads the rules of the game from this file at ; startup. Feel free, at your own risk, to experiment with editing ; this file. We recommend you make a backup copy of the original. ; #ICEBOTS Nanotech IceBots, Self-Annihilating Nanobot, IceBots, M, 1, Nano-1, M, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, TECH, DigSent, TECH, Orbital, TECH, HAL9000, TECH, IndRob, FACILITY, 20, SOCIAL, --------PLANET, SOCIAL, ++++++++GROWTH, SOCIAL, ++++++++INDUSTRY, SOCIAL, ++++++++EFFIC, SOCIAL, ++++++++ECONOMY, SOCIAL, ++++++++RESEARCH, SOCIAL, ++++++++PROBE, MINDCONTROL, 0, IMPUNITY, Cybernetic, INTEREST, 80, POPULATION, -80, Future Society, Cybernetic, GROWTH Politics, Fundamentalist, nil IceBot, IceBot, Atoma, Atomic, Atomica NanoPresident, suicidal, nuke-crazy, self-annihilating, destructive, nuclear lunatic annihilate everything to annihilate everything at all costs setting up a massive nuclear arsenal to blow up Planet setting up a massive nuclear arsenal to blow up Planet build up your nuclear arsenal polishing it's nukes polishing your nukes imperial expansionism imperial expansionism, M1 nuclear warfare, M2 dangerous nuclear warfare, M2 IceBot Tax, M1 annihiliting all of Planet my Secratary of Nuclear Arms the IceBot Suicide Code #BASES Nanobot City IceBot City Nanotechville NukeZone #END #WATERBASES Undersea NukeZone #END #BLURB ^Already we have turned all of our critical industries, all of our material resources, over to these . . . things . . . these lumps of silver and paste we call nanorobots. And now we propose to teach them intelligence? What, pray tell, will we do when these little homunculi awaken one day and announce that they have no further need of us? ^ ^ -- Sister Miriam Godwinson, ^ "We Must Dissent" #DATALINKS1 ^LEADER: {Nano-1} ^BACKGROUND: {Unknown} ^AGENDA: {Total nanorobotic control of the universe} ^TECHs: {Orbital Spaceflight, Self-Aware Machines, Industrial nanorobotics} ^ #DATALINKS2 ^+8 EFFICIENCY: {These nanorobots have existed for centuries} ^May exceed HAB COMPLEX population requirements by 80 (they're tiny, obviously)! ^{May not use fundamentalist Politics.} ^+8 GROWTH: {Self-replicating} #FACTIONTRUCE #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Resistance is futile, $NAME1. You will be annihilated by us. However I am ready to pledge Blood Truce if you will cease all offensive maneuvers." "Very well, but do not provoke me further. I have little patience for your sick schemes of conquest." "Too late, $NAME3. It is YOU who will be annihilated!" #FACTIONTREATY #xs 440 #caption $CAPTION7 "Resistance is futile, $NAME1. You will be annihilated by the us. You have proven to be a most efficent biological species of late. Will you sign a Treaty of Friendship and leave us to annihilate others for now?" "Of course. We must strive to increase our chances of survival." "Go to hell. I don't trust your maniacal domination of the universe, $NAME3." # ; This line must remain at end of file