@BEGINEVENTS @IF SCENARIOLOADED @THEN PLAYCDTRACK 3 DONTPLAYWONDERS @ENDIF @IF NOSCHISM defender=ANYBODY @THEN @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Taranto ATTACKER=Italians Defender=Greeks @then TEXT Bohemond has now become lord of Taranto, and will be known as such forever after. While the sons of Roger Guiscard expand Italian holdings in the south, the Lombard and Tuscan nobility enjoy a population boom in the north. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Constantinople ATTACKER=Anybody DEFENDER=Greeks @THEN TEXT Constantinople, city of the ages, has fallen to barbarians after a thousand years. The pround eastern empire founded by Contantine the Great is now humbled, and its outlands fall into disarray, provinces of rival empires. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Constantinople ATTACKER=Anybody DEFENDER=Greeks @THEN GIVETECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY=14 RECEIVER=Greeks JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=75 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Berber Dynast owner=Barbarians veteran=no homecity=none locations 20,74 28,66 6,76 29,83 19,75 5,77 31,69 20,72 3,77 31,77 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=103 @THEN TEXT Almoravid armies appear from out of the desert ribats and move to war on the coastal towns. These are armies of the faithful, led by conquering fervor. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Almoravids owner=Barbarians veteran=no homecity=none locations 6,76 3,77 5,77 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=165 @THEN TEXT The Almoravids come to Iberia to fight the infidels. These berber fanatics are stout soldiers and will give battle to the forces of Castile and Leon' in the north. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Almoravids owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=none locations 6,52 11,55 15,53 3,49 7,55 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=300 @THEN TEXT The Almohades, berber warriors from beyond the Atlas ranges, pour forth to swell the armies of the faithful. War erupts again in Morocco and Iberia. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Almohades owner=Barbarians veteran=no homecity=none locations 7,55 11,55 15,53 6,76 3,77 5,77 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=85 @THEN TEXT The Seljuk Turks have overthrown their former masters in the mountains and now fall upon the Persian, Kurdish, and Turkish towns of the great Silk Road. Yet Turkish eyes are cast upon the rich lands of Iraq as well. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Seljuk Host owner=Suljuks veteran=no homecity=none locations 108,42 105,45 109,53 108,50 106,38 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=425 @THEN TEXT Like a storm from the east, the Mongols sweep down from the steppe and carry forward a merciless rampage of destruction. These troops are led by Subotai, a grandson of the great Ghenghis Khan, and have known only victory in battle. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Mongol Touman owner=Barbarians veteran=yes homecity=none locations 108,50 108,42 109,53 106,38 105,45 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Toledo ATTACKER=Spanish DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN TEXT The kings of the Spanish north have seized the town of Toledo, famous for its smiths, who have learned to forge crude steel. The arms of Toledo are the equal of those from Damascus. New soldiers appear to join the reconquest. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=S Feudal Host owner=Spanish veteran=no homecity=none locations 12,34 7,31 3,27 12,28 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Arles ATTACKER=Franks DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN TEXT The French king has moved against the Burgundian realm and has taken Arles. The addition of these lands makes France a powerful nation. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=F Feudal Host owner=Franks veteran=no homecity=none locations 24,6 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Hungary ATTACKER=Germans DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN TEXT The German King has seized Hungary and many new soldiers appear in southern Germany to join his army. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=G Feudal Host owner=Germans veteran=no homecity=none locations 47,3 48,12 35,1 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=60 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Fatamids veteran=no homecity=none locations 74,88 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=40 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Greeks veteran=no homecity=none locations 68,40 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=85 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Franks veteran=no homecity=none locations 24,6 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=80 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Germans veteran=no homecity=none locations 47,3 35,1 48,12 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=100 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Suljuks veteran=no homecity=none locations 92,2 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=40 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Spanish veteran=no homecity=none locations 7,31 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN DENOMINATOR=30 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ambassador owner=Italians veteran=no homecity=none locations 39,27 34,32 38,36 41,43 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Jerusalem ATTACKER=Suljuks Defender=Anybody @THEN TEXT The unbelieving Turks have caused untold havoc in the east. At the request of the Byzantine Emporer and exhorted by the Pope in Rome, the CRUSADE is brought forth upon the land! Hardened armies of mounted knights make for the holy city of Jerusalem! ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Tarsus ATTACKER=Germans DEFENDER=Suljuks @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=G Feudal Host owner=Germans veteran=no homecity=none locations 81,55 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Acre ATTACKER=Spanish DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=S Feudal Host owner=Spanish veteran=no homecity=none locations 82,74 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Ascalon ATTACKER=Franks DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F Feudal Host owner=Franks veteran=no homecity=none locations 81,83 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Tyre ATTACKER=Italian DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Warship owner=Italian veteran=no homecity=none locations 39,27 34,32 38,36 41,43 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN CITY=Tyre ATTACKER=Italian DEFENDER=Anybody @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Trade Goods owner=Italian veteran=yes homecity=none locations 39,27 34,32 28,36 41,43 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS