@echo off cls echo. echo History of Asia, Part A echo. echo Loading city and event files for chosen scenario echo Please choose from the options below: echo. echo 1. Load Rise of Asian Empires (Asia1.scn) echo 2. Load Colonization of Asia (Asia2.scn) echo 3. Load Consolidation of Asia (Asia3.scn) echo 4. Load The Great War in Asia (Asia4.scn) echo 5. Exit without Loading echo. choice /c:12345 Enter your selection if errorlevel 5 goto done if errorlevel 4 goto asia4 if errorlevel 3 goto asia3 if errorlevel 2 goto asia2 if errorlevel 1 goto asia1 :asia1 echo. echo Rise of Asian Empires copy cities1.bmp cities.bmp copy events1.txt events.txt DELEVENT Asia1.scn goto done :asia2 echo. echo Colonization of Asia @echo off copy cities2.bmp cities.bmp copy events2.txt events.txt DELEVENT Asia2.scn goto done :asia3 echo. echo Consolidation of Asia @echo off copy cities3.bmp cities.bmp copy events3.txt events.txt DELEVENT Asia3.scn goto done :asia4 echo. echo The Great War in Asia @echo off copy cities4.bmp cities.bmp copy events4.txt events.txt DELEVENT Asia4.scn goto done :done echo. pause exit quit